
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Heaven....I'm in Heaven!

Frank was gone this weekend.  I had the house all to myself.  I started out my day by getting a mani/pedi at L.A. Nails right here in downtown Roanoke.  There is nothing better than a pamper session.  I even paid the extra ten dollars for the deluxe pedi.  The deluxe version means you get a salt scrub,  a eucalyptus massage...complete with a little reflexology, and then a papaya lotion rub....topped off with hot towels (and were they hot).  I think I actually drooled in the chair.  My toes are now a really cute cotton candy pink.  I even wore flip flops and capri pants all day.  It was heavenly!  While I was sitting there I began to chuckle to myself as I thought of a comedian I had seen do a skit about a day in the nail salon.  I found it especially funny when the manicurist looked at my hands and asked me if I wanted (what sounded like) krickle gel for my nails.  After the mani/pedi I came home to tackle my nasty house.  I have been busy for the past two Saturdays and not been able to clean like I like to.  There is nothing better smelling to me than floors mopped with Fabuloso (the lavender one).  I did the unspeakable though...when I got home I ate my bacon/egg biscuit I picked up at BK....another splurge....then sat down and watched a movie about a woman with a mother who had dementia.  For the next two hours I was engrossed in the story of what could be my own life.  At the end I found myself sitting in the chair sobbing and did not even realize it.  After the movie I got up and tackled the house and the more I cleaned the better I felt.  By the time Frank got home I was proud of my accomplishments.  We went to the church and did the bulletins for tomorrow, went to eat, got gas for my car, picked up a couple of items at Wally World...and came home.  What a great day!  I hope your day was a good one too.  I cannot wait to post my pictures for P365 this week.  Be sure and check back with me tomorrow and see what I did with my new camera.  I have had a blast this week.


  1. It is fun once in a while to be by yourself isn't it! But too much being alone is really too much.

    Once in a while I have an egg biscuit but now at my age and condition have dropped the bacon by the curbside although sometimes I have sausage instead of egg.
    My buiscuit rank is (1) What-a-burger, (2) Chick-fil-A, (3) BK, and (3) MacDonald's. Mrs. Jim's are the best, homemade and Southern.
    Good news on the new camera.
    BTW, our backyard neighbors are Korb's.

  2. Sometimes a good cry is definitely in order! As is a pedi/mani. And, the deluxe is the only way to go! I had my first mani on Wed. My nails had grown out some (without breaking!) and I have NO idea how to file them so they don't crack. And the massage/exfoliation was wonderful!
    I cleaned my hardwood floors yesterday with something new and they look GREAT! Isn't there something comforting about having a clean house? Glad you had a good day!


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