
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hodge Podging on Wednesday

It's Wednesday and to be honest I am glad.  It has been a gloomy start to the week and a little Hodge Podge is just what I need.  Want to join in?  Well, if you do then head over to Joyce's From This Side of the Pond. She always has such delightful questions.  I look forward to seeing what she has come up with each week.
1. Your favorite chocolate treat?
I pretty much love chocolate but love Dark Chocolate - Hershey's Special Dark, Hershey Kisses, Musketeers.
2. What more than anything else makes you feel loved?  Spending time with Amy, Frank, and Kat and the congregation at Rock Mills UMC. 
3. Cherries or blueberries?
I love them both.  I love Ranier cherries from Washington state, I love the cherries in Traverse City, MI fresh off the tree.  I love blueberries right off of Mary's trees in her back yard.  I love blueberry pie and the to die for killer blueberry cornbread muffins we ate in Maine at Mary's sister, Noel's house.
4. What is the one trait you most want the leader of your country to possess?
I would think wisdom.  I think they should have the wisdom to know how to lead.
5. Are you a saver or a spender?
I am a  little of both. I save and then buy what I saved for.
6. If you gave a party for all of your friends would they already know each other?
Most of them, but I do have a few friends that are from another lifetime that would be newbies to the group.  If found out when I had my Christmas Open House that my Alex City friends blended nicely with my Rock Mills friends.
7. Are you interested in antiques?
I love to look at them.  I love them in period houses. My mom was an antique dealer/collector and I had a bait of them as a child so I am not really interested in collecting them.  I have a few small pieces that I love but they are more heirlooms/memories than a collection thing.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
When life hands you you make lemonade or lemon sours?  This week has been a tough one for me with all the information I did not want to be told about my mom and I have struggled to find enough sugar in my life to make lemon sours it was.  I have found myself in a pit and the light seemed just to far away to reach.  For the most part...I am a lemonade maker....and I like mine a little on the tart side.  It keeps things interesting.  Don't 'cha think?  Frank and I have had a weird week....I spent the night in Alex City Monday night so I could go to Bible Study.  He is spending the night in Atlanta tonight with Randy so he can take him to the clinic tomorrow, Friday night he will be in B'ham for school and won't get home until around 7 on Saturday night.  I am going to clean house!  Wooo Hooo!  You have a Wonderful Wednesday!  Catch you on the flip side tomorrow!  God Bless!


  1. I love those Ranier cherries too...partly I think because the season is short lived. We're kind of used to eating whatever we want whenever we want it and those feel like a treat.

    I don't know the details but hope life brightens for you today!

  2. I'm starting to like dark chocolate. The bing cherries that you get at Harry & David's are really good; I just don't like blueberries unless they're in a blueberry buckle or muffins!

  3. I hope you get more cherries/blueberries than lemons in the very near future!!!


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