
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hodgepodge for Valentines Day

It's Wednesday and once again Joyce From This Side of the Pond has provided us with a hodgepodge of questions to answer. This weeks questions are geared a bit towards the Valentines theme, so sit back, relax, and enjoy my answers.
1. What is more important-doing what you love or loving what you do?  I teach school and I can honestly say it is loving what you do.  I have to confess though.  I sing and love church, with Still Magnolias, by myself, at home, in the car....Doing what you love to me is a self-centered kind of thought....does that mean you only do what you love?....loving what you like unconditional love.....even on the bad days...I love what I do.  I did not want to be a teacher, heck I hated high school.....but somewhere on my life path....God showed me His will and told me to try it....I would love doing it.  So...he is laughing His head off in heaven....and I am loving what I do.  God truly is amazing.
2. Do you like bleu cheese?
I think it is one of the grossest things anyone could put in their mouth...along with anchovies.
3. What is the most difficult emotion for you to handle?
Hurt feelings and the anger they bring on.
4. Fresh flowers or a box of chocolate?
Flowers all the way...except for star-gazer lillies....they kill my allergies.
5. What's a song you love that has the word 'love' in its title? It doesn't have to be a 'love song'.
You all know I love music and have tons of "favorite" songs....but Sandy Patti's song, Love in Any Language would have to be my choice.

6. Are you the person you wanted to be when you grew up?
I am not.  I am better.  I am a teacher, mom, pastors wife, speaker, singer.  I love what I do and do what I love.
7. Any special Valentine's Day plans?
Frank and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day.  We see it as a holiday the card companies have developed....a very commercial thing.  To be honest every day as Frank's wife is Valentine's Day for me.  I don't need one designated day to be made to feel special and loved.
8. What was your most favorite family trip? 
As a child the only trips we made were from Florida to Alabama.  I used to think that was so unfair.  My cousins in Alabama all went on real vacations....but not us.  As an adult I meant my own children were not going to feel this way and there have been many wonderful vacations and stories that go with them.  I can't chose just my TWO favorites would be P.E.I. with Kat when she was 15....and it was just the two of us.  It was glorious.  The Pacific Northwest Extravaganza with the Brown family and us would be my other.  We spent nineteen days on the road between Alabama and Vancouver, Canada...and it was a wonderful journey.
Want to read some more answers?  Check out Joyce's for some more Wednesday Hodgepodge!


  1. Thanks Karen -- It's always so fun to learn new things about our blogging buddies!

  2. Hubs and I went to PEI last year and we both say it was one of our favorite trips. We drove home down the coast and it was spectacular!

  3. Good for you for being BETTER then you thought... that's awesome!

    Sandy Patty - always a great pick!!!

  4. Loved, loved your answers and so wonderful to be so happy in what you do. Life is too short for it to be any other way for sure!

    #7 was just too sweet! Good for ya'll!

    Blessings on your day!

  5. I loved your answer to #6. And I can't believe the strong feelings #2 has aroused in everyone. It's a love it or hate it cheese, I guess!

  6. `Love in Any Language` is a beautiful song.

  7. I've always thought being a pastor's wife would be one of the most rewarding paths life has to offer. Reading your posts has only served to confirm my thoughts.

  8. I could not agree more about the blue cheese. It tastes rotten right out of the bottle!

    I love your answer about being married to Frank always being V-day.

    Hugs & love,

  9. I so totally enjoyed this post sweetie! I love gettin' to know my blogsisters better and see how very much we have in common. Thanks!

    God bless ya and have a fantastic day!!! :o)

  10. Love your answer to #6, I didn't hear anyone say that today! #7 is pretty awesome too!

  11. Enjoyed your answers! I love your answer to #7.
    until next time... nel


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