
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hodgepodging on Ground Hog Day 2011

Today is Groundhog Day and it is so very gray here.....but I know that Spring is NOT coming where Puxatanny Phil is today....he will predict 6 more weeks of Winter....and do that is 6 weeks til Spring anyways. Today is Wednesday Hodgepodge so jump over and see Joyce and link up. 
I look forward to Hodgepodge every week to see how different/alike we all are.  Enjoy my answers and feel free to leave me some comments. I love reading them.
1. Would you rather be seen as a person who did their duty or forged their own path?
I am a school teacher and tend to do my duty.  I occassionally love to forge a new path....but in teaching that means extra paper work.
2. This week's Wednesday Hodgepodge happens to fall on Groundhog's Day. In keeping with that theme, if you could have a do-over of any one day out of the last seven, which day would it be and why. I would love to live Saturday over again and again.  Frank was at school and my friend Mary spent the night with me on Friday and we explored on Saturday.  Since the move we have not had much together time....and it was so much fun.  You thought my question was going to be weather related didn't you?
3. Hot cocoa...yay or nay on the marshmallows?  I like it both front of a roaring fire...yay on the a rush....nay.  I know I prefer marshmallows out of a bag when I am having them....those hot chocolates with the stuff posing as marshmallows I do not care for at all.
4. Do you wear makeup every day? What are the top two must haves in your daily makeup routine?  I do not ever wear makeup.  Well....I wear mascara because without it you cannot see my eye lashes.  I wear makeup when I am singing with Still I do own some stuff.
5. Is it more important to you in a relationship to be loved or understood?  I want to be loved.  Frank loves me and although he does not always understand me....he accepts me as I am.
6. Parsley sage rosemary or thyme... your favorite.  I love cooking with spices and herbs.  I even use some for medicinal purposes.  Sage is great for sores in your mouth.  But if I had to choose a personal favorite it would be rosemary.  I love to grow it, to smell it, to cook with it.  I love the headiness of its fragrance.
7. What do you do when you feel angry?  I sing....loud.  I cry.....I talk to myself....I talk out loud to God.....I eat if none of the others work.
8. What is your favorite genre of music and why?  Mine is....well....I like some country and western (Martina McBride - In My Daughter's Eyes), I love classic rock (Kansas - Dust in the Wind), I love a little of most...Led Zepplin, tastes are varied ....except rap.  I just don't like it. I have tried...but it is just not there....Toby Mac is about the closest I can say I get to liking Rap music.   My students did a report on Costa Rican music yesterday...and I don't even like theirs....the song they played was called Whappen to Dem.  It was just off-beat once again I was not impressed.  Drop me a line and let me know what your favorite music is....and why.  I would love to here your answers.  Happy Wednesday and Ground Hog Day!


  1. Classic rock, country, Christian contemporary, old hymns...I pretty much like all music except rap. There is very little rap I can listen to.

    I love David Crowder Band, Eagles, U2, Zac Brown Band...those are my pretty much my faves.

  2. I thought I missed one when I saw yours about music until I realized it was your random one. I know I'm blonde, what can I say.
    Saturday seems to be the answer for most.

  3. I like your answer to #7

    I agree with you on rap music.

    My choice would be Contemporary Christian.

  4. How weird is it that my taste in music is also varied...except rap!

  5. I like most all music except rap and heavy metal. I have created a "birthday rap" that some of the kids think is funny (hey, a 50-year-old woman rapping is pretty funny).

    I'm glad you got to spend time with Mary!

  6. Goodness, this Hodgepodge is a popular blog hop isn't it?

    Favorite music, huh? Christian music, Matthew West, Casting Crowns, David Crowder Band, etc.

  7. I'm a country fan through and through! No rap music for me!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and entering the giveaway for my etsy shop RosiePosieDesigns!!!!


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