
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Opposite of Tunnel is Light!

How do we get through the tunnels in life? We keep our eye on the light. We rely on God and continue to relinquish our plans and timing.  In John 13:7 "Jesus replied, 'You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.'"  Well, there is a Hebrew legend that tells of a rabbi journeying on a mule through a wild country. His only companion was a rooster whose shrill crowing at sunrise awoke him to his devotions. He came to a small town at nightfall and sought shelter, but the inhabitants turned him away. Outside the village he found a cave in which to sleep. He lit his lamp before retiring, but a gust of wind blew out the light. During the night a wolf killed his rooster and a lion devoured his mule. Early in the morning he went to the town to see if he could buy some food. To his surprise he found no one alive. A band of robbers during the night had plundered the settlement and killed all the inhabitants.  "Now I understand my troubles," said the rabbi. "If the townspeople had received me, I would now be dead. Had not my rooster and mule been killed, their noise or the light of my lamp would have revealed my hiding place. God has been good to me." In similar manner, the troubles and reverses of life are intended to direct you and me to put full faith and trust in the Savior, whose redemptive work secured our eternal good."  This was a great story and I wish I could claim it as my own....but alas I cannot.  It was  taken from "Words of Promise," copyright 1996, Concordia Publishing House.  When I was in Ireland I was fascinated by the tunnels and doorways I found.  I seemed to be drawn to everyone and looked diligently for them throughout my trip.  Little did I know that this morning they would come up to be my post topic.  After yesterday's bridge burner and reading all of your sweet comments and encouragements I decided to do a piece today on the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Entering into Conwy Castle.  It was a dark tunnel area into a beautifull lit area so lush and green.  The next few pictures are doorways and such from inside the dark castle.  Notice there is always light on the otherside.  Is that not a comforting thought.  No matter how dark it is....the light is right there.

 I love this particular picture.  The light from the other side caused a reflection in my camera lense and it looks like there is something coming in and towards me.   This particular place in the castle had a very spiritual feel to it.  Wonder why?

Leaving the Castle confines and heading back out into the town.  Again you will notice the dark to light look.  I always wanted to live in a castle as a child...but I am not so sure about that after having been in a few.  I really liked coming back out into the light every single chance I got.  So, there is hope for me yet....I know in my heart....that there truly is a light at the end of this tunnel I am in.  Thank God!  I love the group Third Day.  They have a song called Tunnel that has been out for a few years and it is one of my I am going to leave you with it today.  Have a super Tuesday.  Hold your head up high and remember don't be afraid of whatever storms life dishes out. (Thanks Elvis for the lyrics).  If I were to pause right now at this very moment and say a prayer it would be something like this, "All-knowing Lord, help us to trust You in all circumstances of life, even in those we do not now understand."  Amen and Amen.


  1. Really cool pictures! You know that He won't give you anything you can't handle.

  2. Just think... When all is said and done you'll be singing another Third Day song, "Mountain of God."
    Know that I'm on my knees for you and love you very much.

    Much love and hugs,


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