
Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Singing Kinman Family

My singing/harmony partner from the Praise Band, Rhonda comes from a family of singers.  They are good old gospel singers.  There is Tommy(dad), Mrs. Jean (Mom), Rhonda, Donna, Denise(daughter is in the Martina McBride video, Anyway), Ray(Nashville songwriter), Randy (father to Andy) and Andy (father to Karsen).  This family is phenomenol.  Talent just oozes out of all of them.  I have loved hearing them for years.  But tonight I was sitting here missing singing with Rhonda and went online to find a video of them singing to share with you. What I did find was nephew, Andy, and his precious little girl, Karsen, sharing a singing moment and brother Ray with one of his tonight I thought I would share them with you.  We have inservice tomorrow so I get to go to school a few minutes later and the kids won't be there so I am taking advantage of staying up later.  It is a holiday of sorts for me.  I hope to get a lot of stuff done in my room....who knows I might actually succeed.  I have a patient-care meeting in the morning right after our faculty meeting.  Lots has changed recently with my mom so I am interested to see what is said in this meeting.  I have several questions for them too.  Tomorrow night is Bible Study so I will be spending the night with Mary and Bill.  I have missed spending the last couple of Monday's with them because of other obligations.  Today was a hectic day again for me.  As soon as church was over Frank and I went to Alex City so he could bowl his doubles and singles in the Men's Tournament at Idletime.  On the way down I took a few shots with my new camera.  We stopped right in the middle of the road for one shot.  Of course, there was nothing behind us or coming.  While we were in Alex City I ran a few errands while Frank-O bowled.  Before the tournament bowling began Terry May checked our new balls to make sure he had drilled them correctly.  I was very pleased with mine.  It is heavier than my old one and I threw six frames....3 strikes, 2 spares and an open.  If I do that well in league bowling I will be seeing my average sky rocket.  We are bowling on Tuesday night this week because we all have to prebowl.  I kind of like means Thursday night won't be a late night.  Frank will be at school this I will be batching it again.  Hope you had a blessed day and I will catch up with you tomorrow.  Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite cha.

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