
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Couples Who Pray

ISBN:  9780785231987
Genre: Christian Life
Cost: 15.99
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson

Summary: Couples Who Pray is definitely a must read for anyone who is married or wants to be. The book presents evidence from studies conducted by research firms and academic institutions on the benefits (sexual, mental, emotional, financial, etc) couples experience when they pray together for just 5-10 minutes every day. The heartwarming stories shared throughout the book are brief and profound testimonials of 22 couples, some average and others not. It was interesting to read the successful praying stories of celebrity couples like Paulette & Denzel Washington and Kathie Lee & Frank Gifford! The book is written in a conversational tone Couples Who Pray was a quick and fun read. The married co-authors, SQuire Rushnell & Louise Duart, are both previously divorced and have a passion for helping others learn from their mistakes.
My Thoughts: After reading this book I believe that the sole purpose of the book is to encourage couples to take the 40 Day Challenge to pray together with your spouse for 5-10 minutes every day for 40 days. I loved the introduction which reads: “Warning: Be Aware. Reading this book will change your marriage.” I have been a Christian for the majority of my 50+ years and I have been happily married for just over eight years. My spouse has been a pastor for the past four years and one would think that praying with him every day would be gimmee, but it is not. We both have separate prayer lives…just not with each other. For Lent we decided to give this a try and while most people give up chocolates, coke, and candy we are giving up ourselves to spend time in prayer. I can’t wait to see the results.
About the Authors: According to Duart and Rushnell they were “living in parallel lives, on both coasts. Rushness was on the East Coast, going through the motions of a love-less marriage, sitting alone in church every Sunday morning, becoming jealous of other couples who were obviously happy. Duart was on the West Coast, going through the same experience. And, according to Duart “you know, you can always spot the happy couples...the way they glance at each” They were beginning to think that "being in love" was something that had totally passed them by. But after their marriages ended they fell madly in love, they entered into this daily act of intimacy where they had never been...nor even thought about. Praying together. And the more they prayed, the more they came to understand what a powerful experience it really was. Literally, "more prayer, more power."  Want to know more then check out their website:
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Thomas Nelson book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review, just an honest one. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


  1. You did a great job with this book review, Karen.

    I'm going to talk to my darlin' hub about taking the 40 Day Challenge.

    Will let you know if we do.

    Sweet dreams.

  2. Sounds like they have an amazing story! And, they were meant for each other!


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