
Friday, March 25, 2011

Girls Night Out Plus Frank

Last night I was blessed with a girl's night out.  I shared it with some of my favorite peeps.  Kat got tickets for Frank, Susan, Kim, and I to see Mandisa and Anita Renfroe at Vaughn Park Baptist Church in Montgomery with her and some of her of them being my sweet Sharifa.  The show opened with Anita Renfroe sharing her antics to an audience of primarily women, about women.  She finished her set with my favorite song she does....and I thought I would let you enjoy it too:

Now any of you who are from the south can really relate to this song.  Even I, the one who does not drink sweet tea, love the song.  Many of you might remember Anita Renfroe from her You Tube mom video that circulated through emails a year or so ago.

Even Frank, one of the few men there, laughed til I thought he was going to cry.  I think he realized that his wife....was this womans soul sister.  Many of her stories and antics are about me....she just does not know it.  After Anita Renfroe quit her portion of the show, Mandisa came out and heated the place up with her energy and powerful voice.  She opened with Stronger from her new album and then right into Shackles.  Needless to say, I was pumped.

Frank and I left after the intermission.  It is about 2 hours back to Roanoke and I still have bus duty one more day this week.  Needless to say....this morning....I am dragging.......but it was worth it.  If you get a chance to see either of them....GO!  Do not hesitate to buy a won't regret it.  Thanks Kat for getting these for us.  I loved the evening, the company, and the entertainment.  It Rocked!


  1. oh my word, I needed that laugh this morning!!!!

    What a great girls night out!

  2. This Ozark Farm Chick is not a sweet tea drinker...I drink my straight up on the rocks! Heeeheheh!!!

    The video was the star of my mornin' sweetie...thanks!

    We had an Arkansas gal who worked in the church kitchen from time to time and when she made the tea it poured like maple syrup! She's the one who introduced me to biscuits and chocolate gravy.

    God bless and have a fantastic Friday!!! :o)

  3. What a great time you all had, I'm a little jealous!

    Hugs & love,


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