
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


April 2nd my family is having a huge celebration to celebrate Randy's overcoming ALL (Acute Lymphatic Leukemia).  It has been a hard couple of years for my family and this was especially tough on Randy and Amanda.  Well, yesterday when I got home from bible study I had a phone message from "the husband of my favorite cousin" requesting that I call him back.  I did and after my phone call I literally danced in Mary's living room.  Why you might be wondering....well.....let me tell you....
Randy got the results of his last bone marrow biopsy and he is LEUKEMIA FREE! When Randy asked Dr. Langston what percentage of his blood was his and what percentage was the donor’s and she said, “100% donor.” Isn’t that amazing? They don’t use the word “cure,” they use the words “absolute remission.” That’s where Randy is now, in Absolute Remission. I think those words deserve to be capitalized and bold printed, don’t you?   Randy told Amanda that he now has the blood of a 40-year-old man and she better look out! I don’t know if I told you this, but his donor was a 40-year-old man from outside the United States. They don’t know anything more about him right now, but after a year, if he wants to be contacted and they want to contact him, then it would be allowed. But for now, all we know is Randy has the blood of a 40-year-old man…and he sounds great!  Oh, and there is the other good news…they removed his triple lumen catheter! No more dressing changes or flushes or worries about blood stream infections.  They don’t want to see him back for three weeks. They did say that he has some pulmonary fibrosis (hardening of the lung tissue or loss of flexibility) that’s been caused by some of the medications he’s been on. The doctor said that would get better over time. That explains why his chest has been tight when he tries to take a deep breath. They also reduced his steroid dose and put him back on the Gleevec, which he will take for the rest of his life.  So that is my post for the day....and it is a good one don't 'cha think?  Amanda is back in South Bend, they are supposed to be getting sleet and snow on Wednesday night.  Hopefully she will be home this weekend.  I hope to see her sometime this weekend.  I want a huge bear hug from Randy.  No more crying here....unless they are tears of joy.  Yes, sirree bobcat, things are definitely looking up. Thank you God for such a wonderful miracle.  Randy went to Ramona's in Panama City last week on his trike.  He and Kimble.  I was glad he was feeling well enough to make the ride....and he had a ball with his daughter and precious grandson Drew. I am sharing some of the pictures Ramona sent.  Thank you all who have been praying for my family....God is truly Awesome.  Can I hear an Amen?


  1. Praise God for your wonderful news!

  2. Oh how glorious! I've just been catching up -- a sweet tribute to your parents and a sweet wedding too. Cakes look sweet and made with love.


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