
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Project 365 Week 10

Wow! What a week it has been and I have so much to tell you.....but for now it is that time of the week again when I get to post pictures I have made this week.  Sara over at Make Music from Your Heart to the Lord is our weekly host.  If you want to see some fabulous pictures shoot on over there with the link I gave you and check them out.
Sunday - February 27th

While cleaning out my mom 's house I found two paintings by Warree LeBron. Known for her paintings of the people and places of rural Alabama and Georgia, Warree LeBron exhibited with the Alabama Art League, the Georgia Art Association, the Southern States Art League, and the Birmingham Art Club.
Le Bron taught at Sylacauga High School and was the director of the Dixie Art Colony.  When I was expecting Kat I actually took art lessons from her at her home perched atop Hachett Creek.  The above picture was painting looking out of her back porch.  She was an amazing artist.  The below picture is a Hachett Creek lilly and from what I understand does not grow anywhere else.  I took these pictures of the two painting to see if anyone out there in bloggy land can give me some ideas as to what kind of frame they need.  Barnwood?  Light Natural?  Dark?  What do you think?

Monday - February 28th
Monday nights I usually go to Bible Study in Alex City and spend the night with Mary and Bill....but Mary had to work and since I was going to be gone from Wednesday night until Saturday night I decided I would come home and spend the time with my sweet husband.  By the time I got home the storm clouds were moving in and we were bracing for terrible weather....which did not transpire.  All we had was a few bolts of lightening and several claps of thunder.  BTW the above picture is me trying to catch lightening. I thought this would be a good time to show off my two new wreaths I made for my front and back doors.  I hit Hobby Lobby last week and got the grapevine wreaths, ribbon, and a couple of violet swags.  I have less than 15.00 in both of these. 

Tuesday - March 1st
These guys have been eluding me since I got the new camera.  I have tried and tried to get a picture but they are either not at home, in the back 40, or just plain mule headed.  Tuesday on the way home from school...there they were.....and I grabbed the shot.  I have nicknamed them Amos and Andy.  Andy is the one on the right....he is a bit shy.

Tuesday night Frank and I ran to the mall of Roanoke (aka Walmart) to get a few supplies I would need for the week.  I caught this church sign and had to use it.  Frank is a volunteer firefighter with the Rock Mills VFD and this was too good to pass up.  So this weeks sign is in the beginning of the week, not the end.
Wednesday - March 2nd

My Emmaus Walk started today and the top picture is where we ate dinner before going to Camp Alimisco.  Oskar's is a favorite around Lake Martin.  If you are ever in the area you must eat there. The bottom picture is my clean car parked in front of our room at the Alimisco Inn.  We were in room 4.  It was not as bad as the lodge rooms....but it was still roughing it in my books....that was until I found out that Sharon, my roommate brought a coffee pot.  I was in heaven.

Across from our room at the Inn is the outdoor chapel at Camp Alimisco.  I will have a better photo for tomorrow but if you look closely through the trees there is a cross on a platform and ampitheater seating.

Thursday - March 3rd

The top picture is the lake view from our room as the sun came up.  Is it not gorgeous.  The bottom picture is the chapel at 7:00 in the morning.  The tiny spec across the lake  to the right is a cross.  No matter how hard I tried to get a clearer picture of it the sun refused to cooperate with me.  This chapel time was communion...and it sure was cold.

Friday - March 4th

The top picure is the lake from the short cut through the woods to the lodge.  It was kind of spooky....but the water had a silvery/gold sheen to it so I decided to take the picture.  I had great visions of getting things in bloom.  The above picture is one of the few things blooming...besides the pine trees which kept my sinuses and allergies all in knots.
Saturday - March 5th

This is what we woke to this morning.  The weather was horrendous.  The sky was gray like this until almost noon and then another storm surge came through again about 4.  I sure was glad when the Walk was over and I got to head to the house.  This kind of sky scares me.  I have lived through too many hurricanes in my life. 

Everywhere you go at Camp walk.  This is two of the workers heading off to get lunch started.  It is hard to believe that it is nearly 10:00 a.m. in this picture.  Today was so dark and dampish.
I had a great time at the Emmaus thing.  I hope to do it again someday.  Hope you enjoyed my offerings and will come check me out again next week.  Have a great Sunday.  God Bless You All!


  1. great pictures. looks like you had a good week

  2. Love the first painting. Someplace I would love to be, sit & read a book by or just sit & listen to God's world.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Those paintings are really pretty. How blessed you must feel to have found them!

    The mules are cute.

    Even if you had to walk everywhere, I'll bet the scenery was worth it!

  4. The paintings are stunning, but I can't offer advice on framing them, but I'm always a fan of barnwood.

    It looks like a lovely place you were in for your classes.

    Hugs & love,

  5. now i know we're meant to meet...
    i participated in N GA Emmaus Walk #115, Table of Ruth!
    Happy Fourth Day, girl, praying God's prevenience ahead of you.
    Love the pictures you found.
    De Colores!

  6. Love your pictures from your trip - Dr. M & I love to stay at places like that (there's a lodge at the Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky that is like your pictures).

  7. What beautiful landscapes! I love the peak into Alabama. If you ever get to travel Route 66 (saw it on your profile page), you will drive right by our place. Come on west!

  8. such a full week for you... wonderful pictures... those paintings are gorgeous... I would think a natural frame... like barn wood or something would look lovely.
    That camp area looks amazingly beautiful!
    Glad you were able to get pictures of those mules.. they are adorable!
    Have a blessed week!

  9. I love the paintings, but I am terrible at picking frames...I always turn to my son for that!

    I have been meaning to take your button :), it's just every time I think of it I don't have time.....always takes me a minute to remember how to put it in there! ha!
    It will be there this week!

  10. So glad you enjoyed yourself, but I am even more glad you were back today. I missed you! :)

    Remind me tomorrow to show you how to do the pages. I finally remembered. LOL

  11. Fabulous!!! Looks like a very blessed week!

  12. Really enjoyed the nature pictures; very lovely. The wreath looked nice as well (my mom buys me one for Christmas each year since I'm probably the most non-crafty person you will ever meet :)).

  13. I have wanted to go to the emmaus walk. Beautiful pictures.

  14. Hola!
    Mi hijo y nuera fueron a Emmaus. Dicen que es muy buena experiencia. Me gustan todas tus fotos. Vives en una región muy bonita.
    Que Dios te bendiga!

  15. Love the painting and the horses!


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