
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Project 365 - Week 13

It is week 13 of Project 365 and what a week it has been.  Sara over at ..make music from your heart has her links up and running so after you look at my pictures hop on over to her blog and check out some of the other photographers.  I can't wait to show you my if you are ready...let's get started.

Sunday - March 20th

Sunday we had a wedding at church....after the service.  Mr. M.L. and Heather got married.  It was such a sweet ceremony and after the ceremony we went to fellowship hall for feasting and celebrating.  It was a glorious and fun day!  The weather was perfect.  After the party they went to Cheeha Mtn. in the Talledega National Forest for their honeymoon.  Cheeha is the highest point in Alabama (little note of interest there).

Monday - March 21st

Monday afternoon, before bible study, we had to prebowl.  Frank and I had tickets to see Anita Renfroe and Mandisa on Thursday we bowled early.  The rack of four balls are just balls for two people.  Frank now has three of them.....they all do different things....and I have two....I just use one at a time.  I am very predictable.  I caught an action shot of Frank (flash off, of course).  He has such pretty form when he on the other hand....not so much.  I had to show off and show you how well I did on the first two games....and how well Frank did on his first one.  The rest of the games....well....we don't need to discuss that.

Tuesday, March 22nd
I have been chomping at the bits to share today's pictures with you.  I went to Mrs. Shirley and Mr. Denny's house on Tuesday after I got home from school because some of her orchids were blooming and I had asked her to let me know so I could come and take pictures of them.  I don't know who was more her.

 The sun was hitting this little lily suncatcher in her orchid room so I thought I would focus on it for a moment or two.  What a restful room.  I would spend all my time out there watching the flowers, reading, it was lovely.
This was my favorite orchid.  It was like she was posing just for me. Her petals were spread out just perfect and the light was hitting her just right.  How glorious orchids are.

 Shirley and Denny were so gracious to allow us to come in and invade their time while I enjoyed her orchids.
Shirley had just added a new fountain to her room.  It was seashells...another love Shirley and I share.  I love beach motif.  What a wonderful afternoon we had visiting in their home and sharing their beautiful stuff.  Thanks Shirley and Denny for a great visit. 

Wednesday, March 23rd

Ashley (top) and P.J.(bottom) are our next door neighbors and we adore them both.  They belong to Wayne and Amy.  Ashley has her learners watch out if you are in the Randlolph County area....another 15 year old is on the road!  All kidding aside, she seems to be doing very well with learning how to drive.  Amy still has all her hair.

Thursday, March 24th
We left Alex City heading to Montgomery and the quickest way to the East side is through Tallassee.  They have a lovely Welcome to Tallassee sign that sits in a great little park.  I was hoping some of the flowers would be blooming, but alas...they weren' all you got was the sign.

Friday, March 24th

Getting ready for the big yard sale on Saturday.  While Frank was at school, Savannah, Chris, Brian, Kat and I got most of the stuff out of the house and into the carport where we priced it for in the morning.  We agreed to all get there around 6:30 so we could get the tables all up, out, set....and ready for customers.  I got to sleep at the La Quinta about 11....and a phone call woke me up at 1.  It was a wrong number.  When my alarm went off a few hours later...I wanted to die.  Starbucks saved the day.  There is nothing like a good Caramel Machiatto to boast your energy level.

Saturday, March 25th
 Priced to sell.  The cute dishes went for 10.00.  The fruity platters went for 3.00 each.  The sale was to raise money for Kat and Brian's Moldova mission trip.

Frank and Kat sneaking a hug while we were getting the stuff out onto the driveway....and Frank was leaving for Huntingdon.  He was going to call us during his lunch break.

During a trip into the house for a break I opened the kitchen window and sneaked a couple of shots of the people shopping.  It was a fast and furious day.  I have never seen so many people at a yard was so fun.  The result was over 800.00 raised and Kat and Brian's trip is set.  Whooo Hooo!

Kat and Mandy at the end of the day.  Everything we didn't sell had been packed up and disposed of....and we were all zonked.  You can tell both of them are young....they have been up since before daylight and still look fresh and beautiful.  Me....that is a different story....and why I am behind the camera!
It was dark by the time we got the sign changed and the bulletins done.  When we got back to Rock Mills....we made an appearance at a beautiful 40th wedding anniversary party in our fellowship hall, did the bulletins, changed the sign, ran to Wal-mart for sodas...came home and watched Yogi Bear on TV.   It was a cute movie.  If you haven't seen it and like a good clean movie, then it is your choice.  I am glad I did not pay to see it at the theater.  I would have hated to pay that much for it....but then I am a tightwad when it comes to stuff like that.  Most of the time I would rather just watch it on DVD at home.  We were rudely awaken by the storm siren around midnight.  Randolph County was under a tornado warning.  This morning it is gray and rainy.....but...God made sure yesterday was beautiful for that yard sale.  Have a blessed day!


  1. Nice wedding pictures. It looks like it was a lovely, joyful ceremony.

  2. looks like a good week. love the flower pictures

  3. oh the orchids are gorgeous!!! I have a very brown thumb so I have to enjoy everyone else's!

    Seeing that little girl behind the wheel makes me so thankful I am done teaching kids to drive!!!

  4. There are different bowling balls that do different things? Really? Who knew? :D
    Did you know there's a Tallassee up here, too?
    Glad Kat's yard sale did so well!

  5. I love the orchid pics! You are really good with your camera.

    So glad the kids raised all of the money that they needed for the mission trip.

    Hang in there...your Spring Break is on its way!

    Sweet dreams,

  6. What a full week!
    Yeah for the $ for Moldova trip!
    The orchids are amazing! We have a friend who cares for (curator?) the BSU orchid collection. She would love your photos.

  7. I like the basketball bowling ball.

    The flower did look lovely.

    Congrats on the great turn out for the yard sale.

  8. we had wacky weather yesterday ...hailed just south of us. great pics this week
    i'm not playing this week but am enjoying everyone else's pics

  9. What a busy week! LOVE the orchid pics - gorgeous!

  10. Karen, I have missed you so much since the Walk. It seems that something every day reminds me of you and makes me either laugh or smile. Hope you are doing well. Look forward to seeing you again soon. Hugs and kisses.

  11. I have missed you so much since the Walk. It seems like everyday something happens that makes me think of you and makes me laugh and smile. Hope you're doing well, hope to see you again soon. Hugs and kisses

  12. I LOVE the orchid picture, too. So very pretty! I love seeing your weekly pictures.

  13. The bride and groom look so very happy! The flowers pics are beautiful...great focus and perspective!


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