
Monday, April 11, 2011

Goodbye to a Precious Lady

Isn't she lovely?  This was my dad's Christmas present the year I was born. 

My mom and Aunt Shirley are together again.....for your singing pleasure the fearless duo.

Please forgive me for the incoherancy of this post.  You see....This week is my Spring Break.  I have waited extra long for it because our system chose the latest break possible. When we go back to school we have 30 days until graduation.  I have been chomping at the bits for this break because Frank and I were going to spend a couple of days with Susan and Chuck in Knoxville and then ride over and spend a couple of days with Clay and Missi in Nashville.  Sunday, after Mrs. Faye's birthday party we left for Knoxville and got there at 8:15 their time.  Chuck, Frank and I decided if the weather was pretty we would go shoot.(guns and my camera).  We got back to the house, had a sandwich, and began planning the cookout needs for tonight.  Frank and I had seen a Wild Wing Cafe sign I-40 near Gander Mtn. so Susan and I were going to get some wings from there for appetizers. Frank loves Chernobyl.  While we were phone rang and it was Adams Nursing Home.  My mom had no respiration, pulse, or bp.  It was 3:00.  I called Frank...he was about 30-45 minutes away from me....and Susan and I hopped on the interstate and headed to Alabama.   Frank and Chuck got our stuff together and followed.  The nursing home held her until the family could get there.  Once I was ready the funeral home was on standby.  I have to admit that was the longest, yet shortest ride home from Tennessee.  During the trip I made phone calls....and tried to pull my thoughts together.  I was fine until I called Kat.  That was the hardest thing I have ever to calling her when my dad died.  Random thoughts kept running through my blogging buddy Mary and I were going to actually meet this time....I was disappointed....but this can't be the third strike Mary....we were not in Tennessee 24 this trip does not really count.  The weird part is that when we got back to Rock gather my mom's clothes and pick out the pictures for her slide show....there was a package sitting on a chair at my carport.  It was from another bloggy buddy who makes prayer shawls.  I commented on how beautiful her's were....and that my mom would love one.  She sent her one...with the sweetest note...and it came...yesterday.  I will share it with someone else in a nursing home.  My cousin soon as I called her...she went into funeral mode...and made pimienta and cheese (one of my comfort foods)...and lemon cake (another one of them)...and she added brownies.  After we all converged at the nursing home...we all went over to Judy and Randall's for food.  Mary and Bill came with more food....Mary makes killer chicken salad...(another comfort food).....Deborah and Danny, Mary and Bill, Kat, Judy and Randall, Frank, Chuck and Sue and Randy all were there.  I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends....nope...they are extended family.  Chuck and Sue were going to do a turnaround and go back to Knoxville so that both could work today....there was a huge storm out they grabbed some food and coffee and were off.  We ate and headed to Rock Mills to get all we had to get done....done.  Randy headed back to the treehouse.  Momma was gone and tomorrow we would be about the business of getting her funeral arranged.  I am numb.  When you head to bed tonight....please include my family in your prayers.  My momma was special.  (Wilma Leigh Prophitt Sasser - July 9, 1929 - April 11, 2011)


  1. Oh. MY heart aches for you my friend. I am so very very sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers today, as is your family and will continue to be in the weeks and months to come. I think you need to wrap that prayer shawl around you now and feel its warmth and comfort as so many will be encircling you with prayer. So very very sorry.

  2. oh Karen, praying for you and your family as you deal with details and with missing your mama. Never an easy time saying goodbye, but knowing she is face to face with her savior brings such joy to your heart.

  3. My heart is breaking for you, and I wish I had the perfect words to bring you comfort. I pray that God's loving arms will hold you tight and bring you the comfort that only our Father can. I love you!

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss Karen - I'll keep you & your family in my prayers.

  5. I know that there are no words right now that help, except you have my love & my prayers.

    Hugs & love,

  6. Gentle ((HUGS)) and prayers for you. I'm very sorry for your loss, but very happy that she and your mom are together again.

  7. Karen - I know the mixture of emotions -- and the long decline of this wicked illness that took both of our Mother's away from us long before their bodies stopped living. I'm so sorry. I hope our Moms meet in heaven and share the delight of being fully healed. May God bless you and comfort you.

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your mothers passing. ((HUGS))

  9. I am so sorry. Somehow I missed this post. It wasn't until I read your post today that I realized it.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'll keep all of you in my prayers.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss Karen. It was very apparent the beautiful bond that you shared with her, and I'm sure, even through her confusion, she knew of your love!! Sending big hugs!


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