
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

Today was a great day for me musically and spiritually.  I got up at 5:30 and left home at 7:30 so Rhonda, Rita and I could practice at the Arbor before the 9:00 service.  I sang there and left when the band went down for the sermon.  At that point I got into my little HHR and headed up the road for Rock Mills.  Rhonda and Rita were coming behind me later.  There was a trade off for me singing at the Arbor....they had to come back with me and sing with me at Rock Mills.  What a special day to sing with my Arbor family and then sing for my Rock Mills family.  Rhonda and I did Via Dolorosa.  She sings the English part and I sing the Spanish....but Blue surprised me with three more of my favorites.  I got to sing Shackles (Mary Mary style), Beautiful One, AND Grace Like Rain. What an adrenaline rush I have had for the Lord today!  God Bless You All.  I love Holy Week.  I am definitely an Easter person.  I love the fact that Christ died for me so that I can have eternal was His choice.  He could have said, "No way Jose"...but he didn't.  He went to teh cross.  On a less enthusiastic note my Spring Break officially ends tonight at midnight and it is back to work for six more weeks.  I really feel like I did not have a Spring Break...and didn't....because of the death and funeral of my mom....and my birthday on Friday was not the greatest day either....but to quote the Still Magnolias song Amanda wrote..."Life Goes and Life Goes On."  My mom is in a far better place and we buried her on my dad's birthday.  What a great birthday present for my dad.  My parents loved each other unconditionally....and he was her best friend....and now they are together again.  Bless you all for the food, encouraging words, hugs, flowers, and prayers.  I have some great friends and family!  Today, I feel truly blessed!


  1. It does sound like a good day! So glad for you!

  2. It sounds like a wonderful day!

    Hugs & love,


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