
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What I Would Say About Wilma

My daughter Kat and her husband "B" have some good friends, Emily and Ken.  On Saturday Kat sent me something Ken had written about a young man named Ryan and it touched me very deeply.  As I have sat here and thought about it I thought I would attempt to do something like it about my mom while my thoughts and feelings are fresh.  So like Ken I asked myself what I would say about Wilma.  Wilma Prophitt Sasser (and she always said she was no false prophet) diedon Monday, April 11th at the age of 81. I have to be honest that even though she had been in poor health it still came as a shock.  When I saw my mom last, it was Saturday, April 9th and she was very alert.  I told her Frank and I were going out of town and she seemed excited about our trip.  I told her I would see her on Thursday when we got home.  She said she would be waiting for me.  On Monday she went home to be with Jesus....and I have no doubt about that.  My mom was a Christian.  If I had to guess what her Spiritual gifts were I would say compassion, evangelism, and teaching....she was awesome at all three.  I met with the funeral home on Tuesday to make arrangements.  Her choice of pastors was Bro. Wayne or Bro. Autrey.  Wayne was my first call since he was her first choice....and he said he was honored.  The current pastor of her church was going to speak in the beginning.  I felt sorry for him to be honest....he never really knew my mom, or dad like the other two pastors did.  He only met them after dementia and cancer began to tear away at what was once thriving Christian examples. I wondered what he would say..... So what could he possibly say? What can anyone say at a time like this, much less someone like him who barely knew this great lady?  The service was simple.  The congregation sang, "How Great Thou Art" (one of my mom's favorite songs), Bro Steve spoke, Amanda and I sang "What A Friend We Have in Jesus", Bro Wayne then delivered one of the best eulogies I have ever heard about a Christian.  I was so very proud of my mom.  After he finished, Kat spoke.  Her message was so loving and I was so proud of my daughter as she stood there and spoke.  I knew her heart was breaking.  When Kat finished I wanted to stand up and applaud.  Her final remark introduced the last part of the service.  At Christmas my cousin Missi gave me a CD of my Aunt Shirley, my mom, my cousin Amanda and I singing, "He Looked Beyond My Fault and Saw My Need" at Kellyton Baptist Church in 1994.  My mom always said she was going to sing at her own funeral and sing she did.  Marlene played "It Is Well With My Soul" as the family left the little church that was packed with people who loved my mom.  We went to the Cemetary and after the pastor's both spoke the whole group gave my mom her final send off by singing, "You Are My Sunshine."  The sun was shining, it was a glorious mom would have been delighted.  I would be lying to you if I said I am not sad.  I am....both my parents are gone....I am an orphan.  I am now the oldest generation.  It feels weird I must say.  On the contrary I have to say that I know my mom is with my dad....with my aunt....with my brother.  My parents were the ultimate love story....and we buried my mom on my dad's birthday.  I felt like I was giving my father a gift.  Kind of strange what we think about when we are in that state of survivorship.  Palm Sunday was Sunday and I had to admit....being an Easter touched my heart.  My mom is dead....I don't care how you pussyfoot around it....and what you call it...."gone. with Jesus, deceased, passed...."  they all add up to dead.  Her earthly life is no more.  I will never be able to see her again...except in pictures and dreams.  I would be lying to you if I said I did not want my mom back....but do I really?  My mom's dementia took her from me when my dad died.....if I could have her back whole....yep...I would love to have her.  But I am promised this.... "The dead in Christ shall rise." They shall have bodies! Perfected bodies(without dementia or cancer), yes, glorified bodies, yes, but bodies. How do I know this? "I know because it already happened to one man. One historic, actual, flesh and blood man was stone cold dead, and he came back. And you could touch him, and you could eat grilled fish for breakfast with him. And people saw him, and they told people, and they told other people, and they've kept telling each other right down to today."(Ken R.)  At Rock Mills United Methodist Church....every Sunday we say The "Apostle's Creed! "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. ON THE THIRD DAY HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY and the life everlasting.  Amen"  I truly believe these words....and know that  the cross is God's triumph over sin. The resurrection is his victory over the grave. "Where, O death, is thy sting? Where, O grave, is thy victory?" This means death has no sting because it cannot hold Wilma. The iron grip let slip one man 2,000 years ago, and like a breach in a dam, it is now only a matter of time before they all break loose."  Thank you Ken R. for this profound prompt on a post and for making me think about what comes after the earthly end. 


  1. Having the greater knowledge of the life hereafter can be such a comfort in times of sorrow & loneliness. I hope you find peace in this season and the testiment that we will all be together again, even though we be without the worldly bodies of the ones we love. Sending big hugs!

  2. This is one of the most poignant and beautiful posts that you've written.

    You wrote your heart, Karen.

    An easy read.

    I miss my mother too.

    Sweet dreams.

  3. I tried to read this at school this morning, but I couldn't. I knew I would end up bawling. Of course, I would have walked across the hall, and then we both may have ended up bawling.

    This is a wonderful tribute to your mom. I know how difficult the last few years have been, and I know this time is not easy by any stretch. Even though death brings an end to our earthly lives, to know that we can be reunited with those who have gone before and that we will be reunited someday with those who remain is such a comforting thought.

    I'm still praying for you each day. I love you, my friend!


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