
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hodge Podge Et Al

Here are my questions and responses for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Anyone is welcome to join the party...answer the questions on your own blog or facebook page and then go and link up with Joyce at “From This Side of the Pond.” It is really fun to see how everyone responds to such simple questions and the stories that come from them. Ready? Here goes nothing!
1. What reveals more about a woman-her refrigerator or her purse? I would have to say her fridge… wait…her purse. Griefus, that is a tough one. My refrigerator says I am wasteful sometimes. I save food we don’t eat and end up throwing it out on garbage day. I wish we could just learn to cook for two. My purse says I am a scout….prepared for anything, or should be somewhere in the great unknown. Can you help me find my keys and cell phone? I know they are somewhere in there.
2. When was the last time you went to the zoo? Where? What's your favorite zoo animal? I have not been in years. Montgomery, AL would have been where I was and my favorite animals are the monkeys. I love their antics.
3. What social issue fires you up? Abuse – child or spouse.
4. Are you a coupon clipper? If so, are you extreme? Sometimes and not extreme. If it is something I use…I cut it.
5. What is one of your favorite souvenirs brought back from your travels? A tie for Frank from Trinity College in Dublin….that is artwork from the Book of Kells and the celtic cross tie pin to go with it….and my Blarney Stone.
6. Lemon meringue or key lime? Key lime of course. It rocks!
7. What is the most beautiful word you know in any language? Love….I mean…think about it….je taime, te amo, it is just beautiful.
8. Today is International Musuem Day so what is the best museum you have ever visited, why and where is it? Wow! I have two…..One is the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. I loved seeing the Ruby Slippers, the Wright Brothers plane, the first ladies dresse, et al. My favorite international would be The Dublin Writers Museum at Parnell Square. I am huge fan of Irish writers and since Ireland, and Dublin itself, have produced some of the greatest writers in history this place was a must. The museum is dedicated solely to their works and achievements. I was delighted to see first editions, manuscripts, diaries and letters from authors such as W.B. Yeats, James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Samuel Becket, Patrick Kavanagh and many more. There was even a first edition of Bram Stokers 'Dracula' which was written in Dublin!


  1. I'm a fan of the Irish writers too but must be in the right frame of mind to read them...they are not the most upbeat lot if you know what I mean : )

    My favorite museum...hmmm...The British Museum and The Tate Modern in London, The Guggenheim and the Met in NYC and any Smithsonian. I love museums!

  2. Isn't it strange how we cook more than we actually need. I hate cleaning out the fridge and see the food that's been wasted.

  3. I love your thoughts for #1. I think that we, as a nation, do waste so much food. I also agree that it's hard to cook for two. Even with my daughter being in college, I found adjusting the portions to three people a difficult task. I think after my son goes to college, my husband and I will just have to start eating dinner out every night. Wish I could afford that!!

  4. I am soooo jealous!!! One of my life long dreams is to go to the Smithsonian. I could get lost there - and wait for the exhibits to come alive at night ;-)

  5. I loved the Smithsonian too. Minus the husband getting lost. :) (Don't worry, we found him eventually.) Our family also loved the Kentucky Derby Museum in Louisville. The 5 kiddos didn't want to leave!

  6. Enjoyed reading your answers. I have been to several but would love to see the Smithsonian. Hopefully in a few weeks I can say the Louvre!


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