
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Project 365 - Week of May 15th - May 21st

It is that time of week again and believe me it was my salvation all week.  I don't know how I would have made it through this week if it had not been for picture taking.  Want to see some more?  Go visit Sara at ....make music from your heart to the Lord and you will be so impressed with all the other photographers out there participating in her Project 365.
 Sunday, May 15th
Frank got creative with his sign this week.

Monday, May 16th

I stopped for a coke on my way home from school Monday afternoon and when I got out of the car I noticed these petunias growing out of the concrete.  Are they not gorgeous?

Tuesday, May 17th
We went to Amanda's Tuesday night to wait for the family to arrive from Atlanta.  Frank and I ran to town to get some breakfast food so they would have something to eat on Wednesday morning.  This moon picture was made near her house in a pasture that is across the street.  The moon was so beautiful.  I wish I could say my mood was as bright and shiny.

Wednesday, May 17th
This shot was made from my backyard through some trees on Wednesday night after the cookout with the youth from Rock Mills.

Frank's finished with my beautiful flower beds and this plant is the hydrangea that Jeni, Sam, and Austen gave me for Mother's Day.  He has worked so hard on this project and it looks fabulous.

Thursday, May 19th
In the field next to Wal-mart I got this Queen Anne's Lace.

Friday, May 20th 
A firefighters funeral is passing under the hanging flag.  My cousin's husband, Randy died on Tuesday night and if you have never experience a firefighter/military/police ceremony you have missed something very powerful.
Randy was buried in the Lanett cemetary.  This is a shot of Little Nadine's doll house.  It is actually a grave for a little girl and her parents.  It is in the book "Alabama Curiosities."  After the little girls parents died the City of Lanett took over the upkeep on the little doll house.

 Saturday, May 22nd

Just when you think the world is crashing in on you.....there is a baby shower.  Shelby Spivey's baby shower was today in the Fellowship Hall at the church.  Shelby is one of the cutest little mama's I have ever seen.  Her smile is so infectious that it was hard to be there....and be sad.  She got some really cool stuff....things they did not have when I had babies.   Did you know that there is something called a peepee teepee?  It is for...little boys.  I have never heard of such.  One more week of school and then I am out for the summer.  Believe me I can hardly wait.  I think I will hole up in my house the first week and just read and be lazy.  Have a great week!


  1. You're becoming quite the Photographer.
    Pretty soon-to-be Mama
    the flowers are gorgeous!!
    Good job!!

  2. Loved all of your flowers!!! Everyone must have seen that moon Tuesday night. I took a picture too. My niece who is vacationing in the keys also took a picture of it over the ocean. Great pics!!

  3. Beautiful flowers and nice shots of the shower to juxtapose joy for new life with the more solemn event earlier.

  4. The picture of the firetruck ladders WAS powerful. So sorry for your loss.

    I had 2 boys and never heard of a pee pee tepee!!! we just used a cloth diaper! ha!

    yea for summer!!!

  5. Yes, those funerals are powerfully moving. So sorry for your family's sadness.
    The flowers and the moon were God's signs. He knows, sees, is there.

  6. I hope your mood improves. That funeral shot & doll house are really moving.

    Hugs & love,

  7. Such a hard week and yet your photos show the beauty in the everyday blessings God sends...the flowers, the promise of a new little life, and even the blessing of celebrating a life well lived -- although it ended much sooner than you would have liked.

    May the coming week bring healing and grace to the grieving family and friends.

  8. We had a cloud cover Tuesday and Wednesday night so I missed out on the moon. The flowers are beautiful. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin's husband. Praying for strength through this hard time.

  9. pee pee teepees! yes, they're ingenious! she is a cute little mama, I love her red dress.
    very cool shot of the flag hanging from the truck ladders, thanks for sharing it with us.
    ok, and the doll house, I have to admit, is a little odd, but kind of cool at the same time.

  10. Love the new mamma's expressions as she was opening her gifts! And your photo of the queen ann's lace reminds me of my childhood! sorry to hear about your cousin's sad. But only a week until summer vaca...I am all about laziness the first week. Today is day 1 of ours and I am almost done with my first book of the summer!

  11. You had some great pictures this week - love the flowers & the church sign. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I know what you're going through (just kidding - I read your post from today - I DON'T know what you're going through - but I'll be praying for you).


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