
Friday, May 13, 2011

Windshield? Bug? You Decide!

Today is Friday.....we have two more after today until school is out for the summer.  I got up this morning in a bang up mood....Frank brought me to school because we are going to Auburn to celebrate his birthday tonight and it is quicker to leave from here.  I was so delighted that it was Friday and I have a date with my best guy...I got a lot of work accomplished during my first block planning period....and got my Apple Airport Extreme and Macbook up and running again.....and then the bell rang for second period to begin....all those students who said they were going to observe the unofficial senior skip day....lied to me.  I was counting on them being out.  Their being out was contingent on my level of happiness from "You Raise Me Up" "Sometimes You're the Windshield, Sometimes You're the Bug" I plummeted into the depths of despair.  Third block was not much better....Fourth was even worse....if that is possible....and fifth block arrived.....with over half the class gone....and out of the the ones who are here a couple are problem hopes for a wonderful day....doing fun things with my few students who were going to show up....turned into a full fledged day of teaching to keep order.....fifth block did filing for me....and I saw the stack of paperwork finally beginning to shrink. maybe this day is salvagable...ya think?  As I was sitting here hurling myself into the depths of gloom and doom I began to laugh out loud.....Have you heard the country song: “Sometimes you’re the windshield. Sometimes you’re the bug, by Mary Chapin Carpenter?” If you haven't, don't worry...I am including it at the bottom of my post.  I began to understand exactly what  that statement means. In the few short seconds of a bell ringing....I went from “windshield” mode...into squashed bug mode. I went from being in control to being helpless. It’s true, you know. no matter how hard you try..... you will occasionally be the “bug.”  Today was my day.  This is when I definitely need God by my side and in control! Jesus tells us a story about two builders. The foolish one built a house on a foundation of sand. The winds and the storms came and the house collapsed. The wise builder used a foundation of rock. “The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall.” (Mat. 7:25) Both builders faced the same storms, but only one house survived. God is our foundation. God never promised a storm-free, bug-free life. God provides a solid survival plan.  How about you?  Right this very moment....are you feeling like a “windshield” or a “bug?” Occasionally, there will be both me today.. Your continued struggle to follow God in the midst of either experience will become the solid foundation of rock against the inevitable storms.   So as we finish out this Friday....and head into the weekend...My hope for you is that God give you humility and love when you feel like a “windshield.” May God give you a solid foundation of peace and strength when you feel like a “bug.”


  1. Hope the rest of your day and weekend is more windshield than bug.

  2. Remember the John Denver song, "Some days are diamond, some days are stone"? Hope the weekend is a Diamond for you, GF!!

  3. Remember the John Denver song, "Some days are diamond, some days are stone"? Hope the weekend is a Diamond for you, GF!!


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