
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First Day of Summer Hodge Podge

Welcome to Summer and Joyce's questions for the Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Want to read more zany answers then check out Joyce's blog by clicking here.  Want to play along?  Be sure to link up on her blog and share you own responses.
1. Summer's here-whoohoo! What's your favorite sight, sound, AND smell associated with summer?
Tough question.  My favorite sight would have to be all the lillies and Queen Anne's lace blooming on the side of these Alabama rural roads I travel.  My favorite sound is the sound of the summer storms.  My favorite smells would be fresh rain and fresh mown grass.
2. Fireflies or lightning bugs...what are they called in your neck of the woods?  They are lightening bugs around here and my yard has an abundance of the pesky little critters.  I remember as a child taking my grandmother's zipper jars and catching them.  We would sneak them in our room and watch them light up until we went to sleep.  When we woke in the morning they were usually dead.  Poor little guys!
3. What is something from the past week that reminded you of your childhood?  We had a family reunion on Saturday and it reminded me of all the ones I went to as a child.  My great aunt was there this year....she turned 107 in May and is sharp as a tack. 
4. Define 'the good life'.   Love of my family, singing for anyone who will listen, worshiping on Sunday, job security, and the ability to participate in the things I enjoy doing.
5. Tell us what we'd see if you took a snapshot of your desk/work space?  I would be embarrassed right now.  My office is in a sad state of disrepair.  I have all of my mom's stuff in here and just can't seem to get motivated to do anything with it.  That is one of my summer jobs.  I am also changing desks this week.
6. Peaches or watermelon...yes, you have to choose.  Hands down peaches.  I live close to Chilton County, AL and they have some of the best peaches on the face of the earth.  I love them!
7. Ever been skinny dippin'? Is that too much for the Wednesday Hodgepodge? Rest assured we won't need details...unless of course you feel you must but remember, this is a family friendly blog so keep it G rated.  I have never in my life been skinny dipping or chunky dunking as it would be now.  I don't like the idea of getting in water with nothing on.  Not appealing at all.
8. Did you know that on June 22, 1847 the doughnut was created?  Wonder what policemen did before that?  Do you like doughnuts?  If so, what is your favorite kind?  Mine are Dunkin Doughnuts and I loved the fruit filled ones the best.  Second would be Boston Creme.  We don't have a Dunkin Doughnuts in the general vacinity...guess it is a good thing. 
9.  I have two randoms today.  What is your favorite song that you associate with summer?  I grew up in South Florida and loved anything by the likes of the Beach Boys or Jan and my favorite summer song is "Tell 'em I'm surfing" by the Baggeys because it reminds me of summer days with my friends Carol, Kathy, and Donna at Momma Jones' house drinking sweet tea and playing cards as kids.  We would turn the music up and sing and dance around.  Whenever I hear this song I smile.

Happy Wednesday to you all!


  1. Haven't had a donut in eons but I used to love DD sour cream donuts-yum! Now all I get from DD is regular coffee : )

    Hope I'm still sharp as a tack at 107! That's wonderful! I don't feel sharp as a tack at 50 : )

  2. oh my gosh, I LOL when I read chunky dunking!!!! I might even have snorted!

    And my favorite donut is boston cream....soooooo good!

  3. 107??? Wow. I saw on tv yesterday the oldest person alive is in Ga., and she is an alum of the same college I went to! She seemed to be really sharp, as well.
    We have a donut shop here in town that is almost as good as a shop in PC Beach, Fl. I try to stay away from it, though!

  4. I haven't had a donut in eons either. They tend to make me as round as they are. lol. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  5. Hello Karen,
    I was on Sherry's blog, and read your comment.I know you live in Bamy, just wanted to know how far you are away from me .I live in Picayne, Ms.
    You have a very nice b;og.I love that surfing song.I haven't heard it in years. It does put a smile on ones face.
    You have a Blessed day Dear,
    Marie Antionette

  6. Lightning Bugs & Peaches - both are synonymous with summer to me. Oh the fun we had as kids trying to catch lightning bugs!!

    BTW, I think you'll want to jump over to my Blog and take part in the Slacker Cook give-away; perfect for Summer cooking!!

  7. Love fresh rain and mown grass - truly summer!

    Fave doughnut is a powdered sugar blueberry filled. That just sounds like a heart attack! :) We buy them at our local grocery store every once in a while.


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