
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hodge Podge Vol 29 - Memorial Day Week

Welcome to the latest edition of Joyce's weekly Wednesday Hodgepodge. She invites everyone to play...just answer the questions on your own blog or facebook page and then link back to her site to share answers.

1. Have you ever been to the capital of the USA-Washington DC? If so what's your favorite site? If not, what site would you most like to see on a visit to that city someday in the future? Is it even on your list of places to visit?
I love DC and have visited many times.  My favorite site is the Vietnam/Korean/WWII War Memorials and Arlington National Cemetary.  I love standing at the walls of these places.  You can almost hear the men who's names are listed there tell stories.  I also love the Smithsonian.
2. When did you last attend a wedding? Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? Were you a summer bride? If you're single is summer the season of your dream wedding?
We attended a wedding the last of March this year.  A member of our church married at the end of the service.  I have several this summer for former students.  I was a January bride both times....there must be something magical about that month.  Frank and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary this year.
3. What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?
I love the things.  I can eat them in a field.  I can eat the entire yield.  I love them with shortcake....or I love them in pies baked.  I love them chocolate dipped....I love to drink them....sip.  I also love them in some jam...yep I love them...Karen I am.
4. What is one thing you are especially looking forward to this summer?
My family reunion on the 18th of this month, traveling with friends and Frank.  Spending time with Chuck and Susan...and getting my feet sandy at the beach....AND the Leadership Conference in Mobile I am attending.  I am also looking forward to getting some major projects done
5. Do you use/like the self scanner at the grocery store?
I have a hate/hate more than breathing relationship with this device. They say it is faster....but it is not.'Please wait for an attendant.' 'Please remove the last item from the scanner.' 'Please wait for an attendant.' If I wanted an attendant....I would have stood in the long line to have one wait on me in the first place. Quick question....and maybe I should save this for my random thought......nahhhhh....why do places like Walmart have 47 hundred check outs...and at the busiest time of the day only have two checkouts open????
6. Share a favorite piece of common sense advice.
Listen to what people say....LISTEN....before you react.  There is a difference between listen....and hear!
7. Barefoot, flip flops, tennis shoes, sassy sandal-your first choice for summertime?
I don't wear tennis shoes in the summer unless I have to....or need a pedi really really bad.. Flip flops or cute sandals are my #1 pick.
8. I love Memorial is one of my favorite holidays...I love standing and saying the pledge.  I love singing or listening to the Star Spangled Banner.  I love seeing our flag waving in the breeze.  I love honoring the men and women who gave their lives so I can enjoy life as I know it.  What is your favorite holiday and why?  I am headed to Alex City to take care of some business....(I forgot to pick up Frank's suits last week...while I was in Alex City...and so Sunday....he did not have one.  I bought him some black pants and a gorgeous pink shirt with matching tie....and he preached without a jacket.  I am sure he loved that....because he burns up in the pulpit....and I freeze in the congregation.)  Have a Wonderful Wednesday!  Stop by and see me again!


  1. Sounds like a fun Summer to me.. Man reading about all these strawberries makes me want some..

  2. I loved your strawberry rhyme...very clever! Have a great day : )

  3. It is extremely aggravating when those things tell you to wait for an attendant! I had kind of forgotten about that!

  4. I forgot about having a family reunion this summer. Summers always seems too busy, needs to be slow and more relaxing.

  5. I have always wondered the same thing about the WalMart check out lanes. Why are there 49 closed and 2 open? Frustrating!
    And I love your strawberry answer. Would you eat them on a box? with a fox? Thank you, thank you Karen I am!

  6. The family reunion should be wonderful. Have a great time.
    So true about Walmart. They want us to use those things and not have to pay a live person! I admire your love for Memorial Day.

  7. Mmmmmm. Strawberries!
    My Mom makes the best Strawberry dessert - I grew up with it and she is the only one I know who makes it. She crumbles pie crust, and Sweetend Strawberries and tops it with whipping cream. After it sets a bit the flavor meld and YUMMMMMMMMY!


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