
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hodge Podge Vol 30

Can you believe its week 30? Time flies when you're having fun! Our host Joyce has been at it again and has given us some really cool questions to respond too.  Here are my answers to this week's questions...want to participate?  Head on over to Joyce's blog, answer the questions and then link your own Hodgepodge up to hers, after you've read mine of course.
1. Do you and your family enjoy camping? What do you enjoy the most/like the least about family camping? When was the last time you camped?  What do I like the most? 
I have never been a big camper.  As a matter of fact my idea of hardshell camping is Motel 6.  I have been several choice and by circumstance and not been really excited by the whole concept.  My cousin has a 36' 5th wheel and it is more like a nice condo than actually sleeping on the ground and I don't mind it as much.  I have slept on rocks and been miserable all night, slept in a camping van(old Chevy converted), and camped on the banks of the Deschutes in Oregan (big rain storm collapsed our tent and we ended up sleeping in the van.).  The last time I camped was a couple of years ago on Lake West Point in my cousins camper.  It was a retreat for Still Magnolias to practice singing and just get together.  It was a lot of fun.  I love the fire pit and singing around the campfire....but then we have one of those in my back yard....and singing around a campfire has always been my idea of a good time.
2. Did you attend a summer camp as a kid? Is that a happy or not so happy memory?
I did go to camp as a kid.  It was fun...but then I was young and did not know about air-conditioning.  I loved singing around the camp fire and the hikes.
3. Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?
Why things turn out as they do is my biggest question....and my answer is usually Que Sera Sera.
4. Which of the seven natural wonders of the world would you most like to see? There are many lists of wonders but this is the standard natural wonder list-Mount Everest, The Great Barrier Reef, The Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, The Harbor of Rio de Janerio, Paricutan Volcano and The Northern Lights. 
My choice would be the Northern Lights and it is on my bucket list for sure.  I have seen the Grand Canyon and loved it.  I would not mind going back.
5. What was your first real job?
Babysitting. I guess some people wouldn't call that a real job but my first regular job was babysitting. I baby sat for children whose dad's played for the Expos and Braves.  They trained in our town.  I also babysat the Hunt children.  My first "real", have a pay stub job, was at Burdines.  I was a sales clerk in childrens, then shoes (big mistake), then the Gold Coast Room.  I held numerous jobs as a teen....and have fond memories of them all.  I can safely say I never had a job I did not like and enjoy.
 6. Lemonade or sweet tea...which do you prefer on a hot summer day?
I don't drink sweet tea(also known as the table wine of the South). I love lemonade or limeade...and drink my tea unsweet with a twist of lemon and love them both equally as much.
7. What is something that always brings a smile to your face?
Chuck and Sue...either when I get to TN. or they get to AL.  Chuck always has a huge smile on his face.  Seeing Amanda and Rebecca, singing with Amanda or Still Magnolias, seeing Ramona or David's boys, seeing or hearing my family, watching Frank preach on Sunday.
8. Insert your own random thought here-
Yesterday the radio station I was listening to was playing some of the many songs that have special memories in my life.  The last one I heard reminded me of my daughter.  These two videos are songs that made her cry....(they made me cry too.)  What song really touches your heartstrings.


  1. I'd have to give that song question some many!

    Seeing the Northern Lights is on my 'to do' list too...hubs has been but it was on a work event so sadly I did not get to accompany him there.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Motel 6 camping. Love it! I considered babysitting too but chose something else. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  3. I love your answer on #3. Any thing that Kenny Chesney plays pulls at heart... I love him.

  4. I enjoyed my visit here.

    That Alabama song always reminded me of my Daddy who was a trucker and the times he called to say he'd had an accident or hit a snow storm.
    Anything by Conway is a great song.
    There many songs that make me cry but two that come to mind are, "Daddy Can You See Me Now?" And"Goodbyes the Saddest Word" by Celine Dion
    Mama Bear

  5. Sooo many songs that bring tears to my eyes - depending on my mood and circumstance. In fact, most of them at least put a lump in my throat.

    I hesitate to call what I do "camping" when I'm sleeping in a queen size bed with central air, cable hook ups, full bathroom and a microwave. That's as rough as I get these days ;-)

  6. CH is thinking about buying a camper; one of those that fits on the back of a pickup truck. But then he'd have to buy a pickup truck, too!

  7. You know my computer should be off and I should be packing but I had to visit some of my favs! I think camping is fun when the kids are small but not anymore. I would love to go back to the Grand Canyon again too.

  8. Telling my sappy secrets, huh? They still make me cry....everytime!!!

  9. telling my sappy serets, huh? They still make me cry everytime!!!


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