
Friday, June 24, 2011

Jesus Take the Wheel

I have always liked the Carrie Underwood song, "Jesus Take the Wheel."  The first time I heard it...I had to pull off the road so I could cry.  It was not until Yesterday that I fully understood the lyrics of the song.  Matthew 28:20 kept running through my mind, "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Yessiree he is!  Yesterday was another ordinary day.  About 10:00 Frank and I went to Alex City to see Mary (she had surgery earlier in the week).  We got there, I gave her the very late birthday present I had for her (I was in Mobile on her birthday), we met her husband Bill at Wendy's for lunch, went to Home Depot and I bought 6 more plants for my front garden.  Mary felt she needed to walk some more so we went to Longleaf and browsed through the antiques and wannabe antiques.  AFter taking Mary home we headed home ourselves and as luck would have  it found ourselves behind an eighteen wheeler around Hillabee Creek.  From Hillabee Creek to New Site there is no where much to pass.....and when we got to those couple of little spots there would always be cars we stayed put...knowing that in Newsite it four lanes and we would take him then.  Right before the road splits there is a sign that states, "slower traffic keep right."    Frank and I both expected the truck to move to the right lane.  When, after four houses he did not, Frank moved into the right lane to go around him.  We were between the cab of the truck and the body when we realized he was pulling into OUR lane.  Frank was amazing, he hit the horn, and then hit the yards of the houses to our right.  We hit a culvert, almost a tree, several hard dips, the truck moved back to his lane, and we ended up stopping at the old school house to check on the car.  It was amazing that in such a populated area....we did not encounter the first mailbox.  It was so natural just to go immediately into prayer mode while this was happening.  I KNOW there are mailboxes along that road....where did they go?  I could not believe it when we got out and there was nothing broken or missing.  I thought the whole front fender from my car was going to be laying in a ditch somewhere.  I figured the right tire would be bent and the frame of the side of the car would be dented.  The culvert we hit jarred my teeth hard and of course when I saw it coming I tensed my back.  Assured that we were good we returned to the car and resumed the trip.  At the local Foodland.....there he was....he stopped to get him a little something to eat.  I was still shaking like a leaf and felt like throwing up.  The human in me....wanted to stop my car, get out, and punch the man in the face.  The Christian in me would not let the human have it's way.  We were ok....the car seems back is a bit tender but ok, it was the ride of a lifetime...and Frank was a great driver (I would have flipped the car).  Jesus was definitely in control and Frank even said so himself.  What a ride!  When I got home I looked up the trucking company and called them.  I did not want to sue them....I just wanted them to know what happened.   True, semi's are big and drivers have many hidden areas....and passing on the right side is one of them....but we were close enough to him that he could have seen us by that point.....he knew we were behind him for several miles....or should have.....and HE should have pulled into the slower traffic lane.  There were multiple cars behind him.....duh!  That makes you slower traffic dude. The people at the trucking company were lovely and assured me that they would call this driver and tell him what he almost did.  The human in me went, "Yeah Right!"  The Chistian in me feels that was good enough.  She asked me if I wanted the driver to call and apologize.  I told her, "No, thank you....I just wanted you aware of what happened."  I felt much better after the phone call.  Thank you Jesus for taking the wheel and keeping us safe.  Have a wonderful Friday.


  1. Wow! So glad that this turned out alright. I'm not that great of a car traveler so this would have totally done me in...I'd still be crying. Thankfully God was in control and what a ride!

  2. oh my scary!!! Thankful you are both ok!!!

  3. Glad you know who to give the glory to!
    xoxo~kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  4. An "almost" accident is such a scary event. What a difference a few seconds either way can make. God was with you, for sure!


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