
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Project 365 - June 5th - June 11th

It is that time of week again and it has been a wild week for me.  I have missed blogging Friday and Saturday and feel like it has been months since I sat down with my old friend.  Project 365 has been really fun this week and I love the shots I got.  Want to see more?  Visit Sara's blog and see what everyone else snapped...or join in and link up with her. 
Sunday, June 5th

Mrs. Jean and I met at Beth's and Ron's for choir practice on Sunday.  The flowers above are from Beth's flower garden.  The bottom pink small roses were some she got from her aunt and they are just abundant with blooms.  The Martins below are Ron's babies.  He has a ton of Martin houses and a ton of Martin's hanging out until they fly north next month.

See the baby Martin peeking out of it's gourd nest?

 Momma Martin was singing a sweet song above her baby. 

Monday, June 6th
Shot of the thumbnail moon on Monday night.

Tuesday, June 7th

Tuesday, Mrs. Shirley and I worked on photographing and idenifying more glass from my mom's house.  The Egg Nog bowl has a flower pattern in the bottom and we could not find it anywhere.  The small creamer we couldn't find either.  Do any of you know what the pattern is?  I would appreciate any and all help I can get.  I am about a third of the way through with getting the stuff photographed and ready to put on Ebay.  I already have 10 items listed.  Amy, from next door, came and got me started.  She sells on ebay a lot.

Wednesday, June 8th

We went back to Betty and Larry's to get this shot of some more of her flowers.  We don't know what this spikey lilly you?

There was a fire catty-corned and across the street from our house.  The hydrant is right in front of our house....Frank and a couple of the firefighters were waiting to turn the big house on.  There was a good bit of smoke damage...but the house was not totally involved.  Rock Stand Fire Department came and assisted.  While they were fighting this fire a call went out for another fire and one of the guys had to go fight a brush fire.  What a day....and to make matters was 100 in the shade.

Thursday, June 9th

These pictures are for Susan to see.  She suggested a flower bed in the front and I wanted an herb garden in the back....both are now in place.  I have lillies in the front and oregano, cilantro, garlic, yarrow, basil, lavendar, rosemary, and the back.

Friday, June 10th
Amanda and I set out on a road trip today.  Destination is Panama City.  I left my house at 6:30 my time.  We left hers about 8 her time after we loaded up a huge glass shower door that had to be swapped at Lowe's in Opelika.  A stop at her house, a stop at the bank, and then on to Lowe's to meet Rusty, the contractor.  It took four of us to load the door at Amanda's....and one little tiny man unloaded it at Lowe's.  It was amazing.  We got the new door ordered and headed to the Highway Patrol office to do something to Amanda's license....which did not happen...she was number 27 so we left and headed out.  It was now 9:45.  We called Ramona and told her we were enroute.  Drew is Ramona's oldest son and he is 2.  He is precious.  Ramona was blowing bubbles for him and he was trying to catch them while we took turns holding new baby, Will.  He is a month old and absolutely adorable.  Amanda "Grammy" has four of the cutest and most precious grandsons. 

Saturday, June 11th

We went to the beach today to meet our friend, Patti.  She was down with her family and we were going to lay on the beach at her condo....what we didn't know was that they rented a house....were not at the condo....were not even in Panama City....they were in Destin....40 miles away.   Sooooo, we headed to Destin....we were going to meet Ramona and Dustin at Boondocks in PC later that evening for dinner....and the house would give us a pool and place to shower and change.  The dove was perched on the tree when we parked at the condo to see how to get a hold of did not budge while I got out, got my camera, and shot it.  I was amazed.  We finally did find Patti.....laid at the waters edge for about 2 some nice sun, felt a nice breeze, read a book, went back, sang for Patti's family, showered, changed and left to go get some delicious seafood "Down at the Boondocks."  I have to tell you what happened...there was going to be up to an hour wait....but that was goint to be we went into Pickles - the gift shop and plundered around...when we came out Grammy took Drewster out on the dock to see the boats and I sat down to listen to the singing man.  The second song was one I knew and I was singing quietly to myself (I swear I was being quiet)....and he looked up at me, smiled, and winked....I quickly hopped up from my shady spot and headed back to where the gang was waiting....our buzzer went off right after I got there.  We all ate a hearty meal and headed back to Ramona and Dustin's for dessert.  She had made a Riccotta Cheesecake and it was to die for.  Ramona is a fabulous cook...very adventerous.  Bedtime came quickly and we said good nights.....We were planning to leave by 9 and head back so we could stop and say goodbye to Kat and Brian in Montgomery....they are leaving for their mission trip to Moldova in the morning.....and Amanda has a flight out of Atlanta at 9.  I truly believe that a wonderful time was had by the two of us.  We haven't had a girls trip in a while.  Patti wants us to plan one to the Keys.  Sounds like a winner to me!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great week. I love all the flower pictures. And that moon - lovely! I have a wildflower book at home - I'll look up that one flower this evening.


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