
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Busy Bee

It is hard for me to imagine that in just two and a half weeks I will be returning to the classroom.  I did something this summer that I have never done before.....I stayed out of my classroom.  In the past, when Kat was young, we would visit the room at least once a week and work.....but this summer I have been busy.  I have made many trips to see friends who had surgeries and were/are still  in the hospital in Birmingham, I have worked on my mom's house, I have read a lot of books, I have been to PC once with Amanda, I was in Mobile at a conference with Frank.  This is NOT the summer I had planned (Mary and I were going to Niagra Falls this summer)....but it was the summer I was now with two and half weeks I am packing in what I can.  Today I am meeting Lorraine and Annette in Alex City.  We are presenting at our August Inservice a session on using cell phones in the classroom in a positive way.  The three of us took an online course this summer and we are meeting this morning at 9 to plan our strategy.  I am excited.  Tomorrow Frank and I are going to pick up Kat in Mobile and go see Ramona and her family in Panama City.  We will come home on Friday.  This plan is subject to change because Kat may have some business she has to take care of so we may not be going to PC via Mobile.  I am sad she may not be going with us....but will have a good time eating at my new favorite PC restaurant - Boondocks(you must try it if you are ever in the area), showing Frank around(Pier Park), and spending time with one of my favorite families....Ramona, Dustin, and the boys.  I love this precious little family and cannot wait to hear Ramona laugh, talk languages with Dustin...and love me some little boys.  July 25th, I have a training session at the Marriot Grand National (RTJ golf place) in Opelika/Auburn.  It will last all day and we are meeting our new Uniserve Director that day.  Wednesday, the 27th, I will be in Alex City working 10th grade orientation all day.  Thursday night, the 28th I will be flying out of Atlanta headed to Providence, RI for a girl trip with Amanda, Susan, and Missi.  I can't wait.  I will be home on the 31st.  Mani/pedi scheduled at the Mane Event on August 3rd....and then there it is....the first day of inservice.  We will meet the 8th - 10th to attend inservices, prepare our rooms, and get psyched up for what is coming.  The kids return on the 11th.  I am always so nervous at the beginning of the year....I am kind of like the kids.  I hope they will like me.....but if they don' really is ok.  I have been called every name under the book.  I hope they will learn from me and catch my excitement about my class.....but if they don' won't be the first time.  Things will be different this year....Mary won't be there with me on the first day....and that makes me sad.  It will be the first time in over 20 years that we have not been together.  There will be new faces in old rooms.  My cheese will be moved.....and life will go on.  I love the start of school and the end of the year.....and all the time in between.  When I wake up and don't love the start of school it will be time for me to retire.  Have a wonderful Tuesday and stay cool if you are somewhere where the heat is miserable.


  1. We go back on Monday. Sounds like you've been busy this summer!!!

  2. Goodness, Karen! I thought I had given you strict orders to take it slow this summer! LOL Just reading your post makes me tired. I have spent 3 days this summer in my classroom doing a little here and a little there, so I won't have to do any cleaning on our PD days. Summer is coming to an end much too quickly!

  3. I hope your friend is continuing to improve and will make a full recovery...Can't believe you will be going "back to school so soon, then again I began prepping for next years homeschool lessons last week. Life is speeding by. WHOA!

  4. You have so much going on. What a busy summer! Have safe travels and lots of fun.


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