
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hodge Podge Week 35.

Today is Wednesday, so welcome to the world of Hodge Podge.  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond is our weekly hostess and she is the creater of all the crazy questions.  I have enjoyed this because it is fun answering the questions....and I have gotten to know some of my bloggy cohorts well.  Want to play with us?  It is simple.  Just click on the link I gave you above, go over to Joyce's blog, copy the questions and answer them....then go back and link up your answers so we can all read them.  Joyce actually gives us seven questions...andthen it is up to you to tack one random thought on at the end.  Once you do this  you'll be ready to link up with this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Believe is simple.

1. How has your hometown changed since you were a kid? What has changed most about the neighborhood you grew up in?   I grew up in West Palm Beach and it was a big city with a small town feel.  Kids rode their bikes places in the neighborhoods, you could trick-or-treat and actually eat all the homemade stuff you got, we shopped at Publix and Jakes Meat Market for food and meat and hit a Bakery on Belvedere for bread.  I lived less than five minutes from the beach and traffic was minimal. (In the second grade I walked home by myself from school....across two major roads).  All of the places I lived in when I was a child are gone.  The first apartment and the first house were encompassed by City Place.  The High School right across the street is now the Kravitz Center of Performing Arts, the last house I lived in was torn down....the whole neighborhood was and it is going to be some sports practice complex for FAU.  The last time I was home all that was left were the streets and the house numbers on the curb.  It was so very depressing.  Like I said it took us five minutes to get to the beach it takes 45 because traffic is horrendous.  I-95 used to end on Southern Blvd - which was near my it goes all the way to Miami.  The Hut is gone but Verdes bowling alley is still there.  The Gayety Skating Rink is Junior High is now a middle school.  My high school is an International Baccalaureate School.  My Junior College is no more Palm Beach Junior College (PBJC - we called it Peanut Butter and Jelly College) has a new name.  They are trying to revitalize downtown....but all the wonderful places I grew up with are gone.  When I go makes me feel like I never existed.

2. What song makes you laugh? Ole Blue.  When I was in junior high school a trio came to our church. They were three guys from Kentucky and the lead singers name was Kent Kilborne.  I had the biggest crush on him....he did this song....and I have sung it to my kids/grands....with a bit of my own modification.  I laugh every time I sing it...or hear it.

3. Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Read the books? Seen any/all of the movies? Will you be standing in line somewhere close to midnight later this week? For those of you playing along today who live outside the US or UK is Harry Potter a phenomenon in your part of the world?  I am a Harry Potter fan. I actually read the first book so I would know what my students were talking about.(I also read the Twilight books). I don't stand in line at midnight for anything.  I have read all the books and seen all but the latest movie.  I will probably wait til it comes out on DVD to see it.

4. If the truth hurts, will you tell a lie? Are we better off as a society in a world that allows no form of deception whatsoever?  I won't tell a lie....but I will soften the truth.  You CAN tell the truth without being brutal.

5. What is your favorite 'sauteed in garlic and butter' food? Or garlic and olive oil if that makes you feel better.  My favorite is Mary's squash/zucchini.  I love it.  She uses olive oil and no matter how hard I try....mine never tastes quite like hers.

6. Attending any reunions this summer/year? High school? family? Other? Do these events stir up excitement or dread?  I attended a family reunion on Father's Day weekend for my mom's family and will be attending one in July for my dad's.  I enjoy reunions.....but family is musical.  They also play cards and dominoes (Mexican Train)...and I am all about those things.  My high school 40 year reunion is next summer.

7. Lilac, hydrangea, peony...pick one.   Hydrangea hands down.  I love them....any color....prefer the lavender the most though if I had to pick a favorite.

8. Random Thought of the Week - What is the best thing that has happened to going to happen to you....or you have done this summer?  I am going to Providence, RI the last week of this month with my cousins, Amanda and Melissa....and my friend Susan.  Amanda, Susan and I will all be meeting up in Atlanta and will be on the same flight.  We will be gone from Thursday to Sunday.  I am so excited!

**Added note - Please pray for my dear teaching BFF Mary.  She is having surgery on Thursday and it is very serious.  They have found a mass on her pancreas and she is having a whipple done.  This is very very serious....and I am concerned.  I told her on Tuesday that she was going to be alright because we still have Bucket List things to do....and I plan on doing them with her.


  1. It is sad to see the places of our childhood gone, usually to make way for more shopping. How much more shopping do we need? I love Mexican Train Dominoes : )

    Will pray for your friend-that's scary I'm sure. Take care.

  2. I feel the same way when I visit my hometown-:(
    Will say a special prayer for Mary.

  3. Mexican Train - I taught the Granddolls to play this and we played last week. They beat me every game!

    Praying for your Friend, Mary.
    Please keep us updated.

  4. My brother and I walked to school from kindergarten on. I would never allow my girls to do that now. It just wouldn't be safe!

    I will be praying for your friend.

  5. Sorry about your friend...Father God just place your healing hands around this servant of yours and heal her if it is your will, Dear Lord..Amen...
    I enjoyed reading your answers to these questions. I love Publix...we've only had them here for a few is my favorite place to shop for groceries.
    Mama Bear

  6. Will pray for your friend. Hope all goes well.

  7. Things were so different when we were growing up. I would imagine Palm Beach changing, it's a hot spot to go. I agree with your #4.
    Have fun with your cousins. My trip was the best thing this summer. Keeping Mary in my prayers.

  8. Prayers for your friend! I hope her surgery goes well today!!! I'll take healthy over rich every time!!

    Sorry your hometown isn't the same anymore! Maybe heaven will look just like it???


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