
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Project 365 - Week 27

What a week this has been.  Thankfully our sweet host Sara has given me a fun project to do.  It really has been fun and it is hard to believe that the year is half over.  There is still time for those of you camera buffs out there to join in and do pictures and link up to Sara on her blog and let us all come and check them out.  I personally look forward to seeing what everyone has shot this week.  It is so much fun.
Sunday, June 26th
We had one of the few thunderstorms we would get this week on Sunday.  It was very windy and the wind blew a transformer from a pole and there was a huge boom...and then no lights.  Frank and I rode down to the church to get a picture of the sign and that was as far as we could go on Hwy 22 because the fire truck was blocking the road as you can see.

Monday, June 27th
Frank and I had our Friday night date on Monday night and we went to Opelika to do this.  I had a couple of shirts I wanted to return to Dress Barn and I wanted to see if I could find my friend Mary a shirt she wanted.  I lucked out on all.  We had some time to kill before supper and I had seen this new consignment boutique advertised on Facebook so we stopped and checked out what they had to offer.  It was a pretty good shop and they had lots of neat stuff.  It is on Gay St. in Auburn if you are down that way and right across the street from Burger King's parking lot. 

Tuesday, June 28th

Tuesday I cooked some brunswick stew and cornbread for a family from our church who lost their one year old grandson in a horrible accident.  A toy box lid fell on the baby and cut off his air supply.  Toy boxes are so dangerous.  I called another member of our church and he (with his wife's help) gave us directions to the house.  Frank drove and I read the directions from the sheet I had written them on.  Larry had said it was a good piece and to look for a big church sign for Bethel East Baptist Church....we did....found the church with little problem.....we thought.  Only problem was that....this was not the church we were looking for.  It had a dirt road and a split....but the house that was supposed to be on the right...was on the left...and it wasn't the house we were looking for.  So we found a man plowing with his horse, stopped asked him directions....which turned into asking his son for directions....who gave me the phone number for the Randolph Co. Sheriff's Dept.  She was able to lead us back...about 20 miles to where we needed to Beulah Baptist Church....and we went right to the house....on the right side of the road.  Waiting on the porch was the couple that had given us directions....they had come looking for us.  We all got a big laugh and Frank told me he was not going to let me get directions anymore.  That makes twice we have gotten lost since we moved here with directions I was given.  We had a lovely visit with the family, saw some lovely countryside on a road we had not been down, and I got a barn shot...and the horse too.  How lucky can I be?

Wednesday, June 29th

We got up early this morning and headed to Brookwood Hospital where our piano player was going to be having some surgery.  We got home late in the afternoon and I had promised her I would go by and take a picture of the really cool mushroom outside her bedroom window.  I have to is really cool and while we were in their backyard I caught a shot of her blueberries and her husbands grapes. They have such a wonderful garden spot...and I can see many more photos of the awesomeness of God.....from their backyard.

Thursday, June 30th

Thursday afternoon/evening I had to have absessed tooth pulled and since I could only eat soft foods for the next 24 hours Frank called in a pizza for himself.  When I don't eat the pizza with him he gets anchovies on it...GROSS!  We left the dentist's office, picked up my perscriptions, picked up the pizza and headed to the house.  About two hours later, once feeling had come back to my face he did fix me a luscious bowl of oatmeal, I took a Loratab and was out for the count.

Friday, July 1st

Today was Jessica's nineteenth birthday.  She lives behind us and we were invited to her house for cake and ice cream.  The cake and ice cream were all homemade and yummy.  Jessica's great-grandmother can make a fabulous chocolate cake let me tell you.  The ice cream was yoo-hoo chocolate and homemade.  What a wonderful treat for such a hot summer day.  Happy Birthday Jessica!
Saturday, July 2nd

Today we had a cookout at Amanda's.  Her kids were all here and so I got a shot of three of the five boys we now have growing up in our family.  Shot one is Debbie (Amanda's sister-in-law) with her grandson Jax.  Della and her husband John adopted him at birth in December and we adore this little man.  He is 7 months old.  Shot 2 is Amanda's daughter-in-law, Suzanna, with her seven month old, Tommy.  He has some of the cutest expressions and is such a good baby.  Shot 3 is my Kat with Amanda's daugthter, Ramona's 10 week old, Will.  What a precious little red-headed baby.  I thought a shot of the two red heads was perfect.  We went out of the pontoon boat and passed an eagle's nest with a baby in it.  Kat and I posed for the camera...Victor and Frank had to get in on the action too and then we passed a closer eagle's nest with a mother eagle in it.  What a glorious day.  God is so good! Being with family is the best thing in life.


  1. I love that mushroom picture!!! The grapes looked good to.

  2. you got a huge array of shots this week...what fun!
    i am craving some time on th elake

  3. Love all those baby pictures. Looks like a great day on the pontoon boat -- have a bang up 4th!

  4. What a horrible accident. My heart cries for that family.
    Amazing mushroom.
    Enjoy your summer!

  5. Such a sad story. How sweet of you to take over a meal. If you have the name and address I could mail the mother a handkerchief from my For Your Tears blog.

  6. soo...when can I get in on some of that Yoo Hoo Ice Cream action? I enjoyed spending the 3rd of July with you!


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