
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Project 365 - Week 28

 Where has my summer gone?  In just a few weeks I will be returning to the classroom and project 365 is over halfway over.  I look forward to this day each week so if you want to join in....and it is never too late....hop over to Sara's at ...Make Music From Your Heart and add your pictures to her link.

Sunday, July 3rd

Sunday we went to Mary and Bill's for weekend cookout number 2.  Bill is a Master Grillsman and really knows how to bring out all the flavors of whatever he is cooking.  We had brisket, Boston butt, hamburgers, ribs, chicken, hotdogs and my favorite CAJUN FRIED CORN!  After the rain passed Mary and the kids got in the pool.   Frank is hooking up Mary's granddaughter, Divinity in her floaties.  I strolled around the backyard and saw her gardenia bush was blooming and the apple tree was loaded.
Monday, July 4th 

On the Fourth we went to Amanda's for the third and final weekend cookout.  This was Will's first fourth and Ramona had gotten he and Drew the cutest outfits.  I was supposed to take baby pictures for her today but there was entirely too much going on.  The red, white and blue strawberries were to die for.  If we had put a big one on the right side of the plate....this would have been America.  Jax and daddy John conked out in the hammock on the back deck.  I took the shot through the doors so as not to wake Jax.  He had such a hard time settling down with all the people there.

Tuesday, July 5th
Wasted day.  I sat and waited for other people to give me my marching orders....and nobody called.  I ended up finishing up a book I needed to post a review for.  The sunset was pretty and my glasses were foggy.

Wednesday, July 6th 
We went to Amanda's today to move her bedroom furniture up to the lake.  While we were boxing up stuff I found this blue pitcher.  Amanda and I both burst out laughing and told the guys why this little pitcher was so funny.  The story is a bit lengthy so I am not going to tell it will have to come back on Tuesday if you want to hear about it.

Thursday, July 7th

My dear friend Beth is still in the hospital today so Frank, Tyler and Adam (two of our youth boys), and I went to Birmingham to visit her.  We promised the boys we would stop in Leeds at the Bass Pro Shop....and feed them.  On the way up I caught a glimpse of something in the corner of my eye.  Do you know what or where this is?  If you said Talladega you were correct-a-mundo.  If you are not a NASCAR fan and did not know....that is ok too.  There are a few of us in this world that could care less....I would be one of them.

Friday, July 8th 
Friday I took the pictures for my True Colors Surprise post and shared them.  My daughter is excited that I got this book, it seems she has been talking about it with me for a couple of months.  I have to is an addicting read and I am loving it.  Francine Rivers rocks my world.  Thank you again Alexia for this wonderful gift.  You pegged me very, book, coffee (check)...Houston we are good to go.

Saturday, July 9th

We went to a cookout for "Porch People" and friends at Marci's this afternoon.  Tracey (her husband) cooked brisket, boston butt, links, chicken and we had brunswick stew, field corn, grilled squash from Tommy and Sandra's garden, fresh tomatoes, slaw, and homemade Yoohoo ice cream.  I think this has become my new favorite ice cream.  It is chocolate...but not is just right and delish.  We also had lemonade pies and strawberry shortcake.  The food was wonderful and the company was too.  After we left the cookout we went over to Mrs. Betty Jeans to get a picture of her pink hibiscus, but I waited to late and it had already closed up for the day.  Instead I found a yard full of new and exciting plants to shoot.  Her yard has given me a wealth of vegetation to photograph and I don't know what I will do when it all stops blooming.  I really wish you could see her yard.  It is absolutely gorgeous.  The bougainvilleas are magenta and salmon colored.  The yellow rose bush was just full of new and old growth.  The lantanas are some of my favorites from my childhood days.  I had never seen a yellow lantana.  The orange and yellow are very common.  Confetti ones are actually my favorites.  The shrimp plant was in full glory too.  I love Betty Jean's yard.  We had a lovely visit with Mrs. Betty Jean and Mr. Larry.  I love visiting with them.  They are such a cute couple.  I have had a great week with the camera and I am looking forward to next week to see what new photo adventure I can find.  Until then....¡Vaya con dios!


  1. sorry I haven't been around lately...I miss reading what is going on in everyone's world!!!

    love the picture of the two sleeping on the sweet!!!

    THREE bbqs in one!!!

  2. Loved the flower pics. The hammock picture is very sweet. Great memories.

  3. I think I need to see the recipe for the cajun fried corn - that sounds really good! Love the strawberry picture - I've never seen them done that way.

    As usually, the flowers are gorgeous.

  4. It sounds like a great week. I can't wait to read about the blue pitcher!

    Hugs & love,

  5. That's a gardenia bloom? I woulda never known. I love the smell of gardenia though.

    Those strawberries look AMAZING!

  6. Francine rivers is my favorite. I love her mark of the lion trilogy.

  7. Gorgeous flowers and those strawberries for the 4th of july look so yummy.

  8. You've got the corner on cook-outs lately. Doncha just love this time of the year? The red/white/blue strawberries are sooo cute. Love the beautiful flowers. I could look at floral photos 24/7.

  9. Love all the photos and those strawberries look yummy.

  10. I have never heard of lemonade pie but it sounds delish!
    The strawberries do look fabulous too.
    All that stuff about food would have made me hungry if I hadn't just eaten. LOL

  11. LOVE.LOVE.LOVE. Francine Rivers, that series is awesome!

    Those strawberries looked too good!

    You have peeked all of our curiosity with the blue pitcher.....


  12. Lovely flowers, sweet children, great food, good week.


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