
Friday, July 8, 2011

True Colors Surprise

I am sooooo bad. This post is so very late in coming.  I should have taken care of it before now....but summer has been wild.  Back in June I signed up for a meme called True Colors over at Jessica's blog Duck Duck Cow.  I thought it sounded like something fun and believe me it was.  Jessica randomly matched two of us and we provided a box for the other that was valued at somewhere between $20 - $30.  Each person then contacted the other and told a bit about ourselves and then the gathering frenzy began. I have to admit that I had about as much fun putting the box together as I did getting a box.  Anyways, about a week after Father's Day I got my surprise from Alexia in Michigan
She could not have pegged me better if she had tried.  I love coffee in the morning (especially since we got the Keurig machine) and so one of my prizes was one of those ceramic Starbucks takeout looking cups.  I love this thing.  I love having it in my car AND C.K. Stitches sent me a coffee cup wrap that fits it perfectly so that my cup does not burn my hand. 
Alexia also sent me three really heavy musical notes that are going on my music wall in my Still Magnolia room (aka living room) when I get some of those 3M wall mount things.  I am going to scatter them around our posters.  Won't that be cute?  She also included a Francine Rivers(one of my favorite authors) book that is part of a trilogy I have been dying to read.  As you can see I have already started the book.  That is one thing I do during the summer is read voraciously. 
Thank you a bizillion times over for the great stuff Alexia and Thanks goes out to Jessica for hosting this fun event.  I just have one question for you.....when is the next one?


  1. That looks like so much fun. Your match obviously "got you" cause she sent the things you love!

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed everything and I'm glad the coffee wrap made it to you! We'll just ignore the fact that nothing actually had your favorite color on it...I got so caught up in what I was going to get you that I forgot to make sure it was your colors too Hehe!

  3. Momma! Thats Voice in the Wind...its one of the Mark of the Lion Books I was raving about...its soo good!

  4. I'm so glad you were well taken care of!! That makes me very, very happy to hear!!!


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