
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mairsie Dotes Update

We Interrupt this program to bring you an important news flash....I am going to skip Hodge Podge today and do it tomorrow.....because.....yesterday I got the best news I have had in a while.  My friend Mary, the one you have all been praying for all summer, is finally back in a private room and can have company!  Whooo hooooo.....I cannot wait to get to Birmingham and hug her.  I may never let her go.  She has had a rough few months.  Back in April/May....she had to have her knee scoped....ouch!  She missed a few days of work and got right back in the saddle and began getting ready to move classrooms.  She packed and moved....with her much as she could....and happened...she had to have her gall bladder removed after she came back from her mom's.  No biggie...she recovered nicely......sort of....and then the bottom fell out....she turned golden, began to hurt , they did tests, and found she had an obstruction, or mass, on her pancreas.  Tests led to more tests, she was in Russell Medical Center for several days, and then she was taken to Trinity in Birmingham where more tests proved surgery was needed.  The surgery to remove the obstruction/mass was called a whipple....and it is a lengthy surgery.  By now the "C" word had been tossed into the mix....and I went to see her prior to the big surgery....and informed her that she was going to be fine....I was not giving her up....not she could get that out of her head....we had too many items on our Bucket List....and she was just going to have to deal with it.  I was there for surgery 1 and when I left felt pretty good about her.  Before I could get back to see her....she had had surgery 2 and was in SICU again....and there she stayed until yesterday!  The Monday before school started  back, Mary's sister Noel called me and asked me to come for one of the SICU visiting times.  She thought it would be good for both of us.  As I stood there and held my unconscious friends hand....I cried....she looked so tiny and frail......this person I was looking at was my friend who can do everything....who has no fear factor.  I talked with her about stupid things....and once her head jerked toward me...and her hand kind of squeezed mine.  I am sure is was an involuntary action....but to me it was God talking to me through her body letting me know she would be around a while longer....heck...we have big plans....we are going to room together in the nursing home when we get old!  I can't wait!  Today I sit here and read and reread Psalm 30:5b, "Crying may last for a night,
but joy comes in the morning....and believe me.....seeing my friend awake and definitely my joy in the morning!
Let Me Introduce You to My Friend Mary....
Yesterday in Room 539 at Trinity Hospital in she not a beautiful sight?

Mary the Teacher....sitting in her classroom.  Wonder what she is thinking?

Mary the grandmother....holding her youngest grand....Divinity. 

Mary the second mom with my daughter, Kat while we were in Michigan.

Mary the traveler.  This was us in England during Spring Break 2009.

Mary, the mentor, with Reggie one of her former students/interns!

Mary, the daughter/sister with her family in Monroe, LA where her mom lives.

Mary, the nature lover/science buff, swimming with the dolphins

Mary the liver and lover of life.  Who could resist this sweet face?  She is precious in my sight....and I know she is precious in the site of God!  Hope your Wednesday is wonderful....mine will be!


  1. What a wonderful friend you are and how fortunate Mary is to have you in her life. I am sure you feel the same way about her. Glad she is recovering and you two can resume your friendship and knock out some of those items in the bucket list together!

  2. That is beautiful news. I am so happy for you and thankful that God has given her His grace.


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