
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Project 365 - Week 35

It is that time of week again and I have been out photographing sites from Rock Mills and surrounding areas this week.  If you want to see some really good photos or join in.....jump on over to Sara's blog and check them out.  I promise you won't be sorry.  There are some amazing photographers who play along each week. Here is what rocked my boat this week...enjoy my photo journal story.

Sunday, August 21st
Rock Mills church sign for the week.  It reminds me of something my mom used to say.  Her maiden name was Prophitt and she used to tell people, "I am a Prophitt....but not a false one."

Monday, August 22nd
This is actually listed in odd things to see in Alabama.  It was once a store/gas looks like a starving elephant.  It has been in Roanoke as long as I can remember.  It used to scare me as a child.  That is actually an eye painted in the upper right hand side...just before the trunk.

Tuesday, August 23rd
When you round the curve of Hwy 22 and downtown Roanoke begins this gorgeous old building is what you see.  It actually looks as if you are going to run into it...but the road turn sharper.  I think it was once a it is a Hair Styling place called the works.  I love the raised part of the artwork on the face of the building.  Don't you?

Wednesday, August 24th
First Baptist Roanoke has joined in the sign fun.  There were so many this week I could have done one a day....but decided not to.

Thursday, August 25th
Sun set from my yard.  I loved the etching of the clouds...they looked like they are lined with gold.  I snapped the picture and sat there and sang, "Mansion Over the Hilltop."  I felt like my parents were smiling down on me. was still of 90 degrees when this picture was taken.

Friday, August 26th

They are not watermellons, they are not squash...they are not gourds.  The mystery plants are PUMPKINS!.  The top one (the deformed one) and its little brothers, according to the expert....may not make it....especially with the heat we are having.  The bottom one probably will....and it is a green pumpkin.  I have never seen the like!  He said I will know it is ready....when the stem rots off.  I can't wait.  It looks as if something has been dive bombing its outer shell.

Saturday, August 27th
Catching a pretty flower since I didn't have one this week.  Everything is dying because of the heat and lack of rain.
The deformed pumpkins baby brother.  There are three more just like them.  I hope they make it to adult pumpkinhood but alas they may not.  We have been watering them....but only every other night...and for only 15-20 minutes.  Well...this was my week.  I enjoyed sharing it with you.  I hope to do better next week....Our Youth has a fund raiser yesterday for their Winter Extreme trip.  They sold hamburger and hotdog plates.  I was beat when I got home.  Next weekend Amanda's kids are coming home for Labor Day and we will be having a bar be que!  BTW....Amanda has learned how to ride the Trike!  I am so proud of her and yesterday when she drove into my yard solo....I could have hugged her.  Heck...I did hug her.  My cousin Cindy and her family came to visit later too...and I loved spending time with them as well.  All in all Saturday was an amazing day!  Have a good week 36 and I will see you all back here next week!


  1. I see what you mean about your pumpkins , did you plant them late?

    Love the church signs.

  2. That elephant would have scared me as a kid also! Love the church signs and the pumpkins are cool.

  3. that elephant building IS a bit scary looking...yikes!

    love, LOVE the sunset!!!

    Hope your start to school is going well!!

  4. Hope your little pumpkins make it....Pumpkin time is right around the corner.

  5. Seems like surprise pumpkins are a bit of a theme this week. That elephant building is just creepy!

    Hugs & love,

  6. When I first saw that elephant thing I thought it was a row of deformed teeth - that would be a great dental office because it would scare people into getting their checkups!

    Bizarre looking pumpkins - I hope they make it so we can see the pictures.

  7. hope you're able to salvage some decent pumpkins out of that patch for fall decorating!

  8. Wierd elephant landmark!
    Interesting pumpkins. We have some different types of squash growing; seed came from Argentina.

  9. I hope at least one pumpkin pulls through for you!

    As always, I enjoy the humor in your church signs!

  10. Great week.....I hope all you pumpkins make it!



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