
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

SMAK First Annual Girl Trip - To Nantucket and Back

I never believed that July 28th would ever arrive.  I could hardly sleep on Wednesday night.  Finally 2:00 pm CST arrived and Frank and I pulled out of the driveway and headed down to pick up Greg and Tabitha and head for the Atlanta Airport.  When we finally got was a kick me out and keep going kind of good bye.  There really is nothing they can do past the first few feet of the entrance...and rediculous to pay to park for that.  I stood on the corner and watched the HHR pull away and cried.  I can't remember when I have ever felt so alone.  I finally composed myself...and headed inside.  Susan would be arriving first and I wanted to be there when she got there.  I had checked in over the computer before leaving the house and was not checking any I headed on to security.  For the first time in I can't remember when I made it through security in less than five minutes.  At 4:45 EDT I was finally waiting in terminal B gate 31 for the other two.  I texted them both and told them where we would be.  Susan came back and said her flight was 45 minutes late due to a delay.  I read my book and enjoyed people watching.  I am one of those weird people who was raised going out to the West Palm Beach International Airport....and watching the planes land, depart, load....and dreaming about going all the places those other people were going.  Finally Sue arrived and we waited on Amanda.  We were starving....Amanda got there shortly after Susan and we went to grab a bite at Checkers.  It was then that we discovered out gate had changed to A6.  So down to the tram...over to the new concourse...and to the new gate....we waited there about 30 minutes...and we were the ONLY ones there....lo and behold...another change had been made....and we were now back at B14.  Back to the tram...back to B....and in the nick of time.  Our plane was just beginning to board.  Susan and I sat together and caught up on stuff during the 2.5 hour flight to Providence.  When we landed...Missi was waiting on us....and took our photos as we came through the door....the trip had officially begun.

The three of us waited with the baggage while Amanda went to get the car.  We loaded our stuff up and headed to Cathy's apartment.  We arrived sometime around 12:30...visited a bit and headed to bed.  The next morning Missi and I woke up early(5), made coffee and went outside to watch the sun rise.  It was glorious.

We ate breakfast at a Portuguese Bakery called Lydias and then began our first adventure to the lovely seaport town of Newport, RI

We drove around the New Bedford area first and lucked up upon the USCG Eagle coming into the harbor.  We were delighted and spent a good bit of time following it down the bay.

Police boats and a fire boat predeeded the entrance of the majestic Eagle.  The sky was overcast today and the high was only 77.  I actually wore a sweater during the day and it felt good.  On our way to Newport we saw a wind mill and of course could not pass up the opportunity to snap it.

We saw a cargo shop going out to sea.

We passed several Gothic style (and scary looking) churches along the way.  This one was surrounded by stone angels. It was most intimidating and not terribly inviting.

My favorite thing of the day.  Several weeks ago I watched a special on the House on the Rock.  We stopped at an Inn to take a picture of a lighthouse....and guess what was there.....yep....the House on the Rock.  I was thrilled!
 This is the Inn we stopped at to see the lighthouse.  There was a wedding going on on the other side so we could not view the lovely gardens up close.
 Here is my lighthouse.  It reminds me of Haceta Head in Oregon.

 One of the many mansions we saw across the bay.
Melissa and Amanda (Sisters)

A sailboat in the bay.

A tree in the yard of the Breakers.  The Breakers in Newport was the home of the Vanderbilts.

The Breakers

The Breakers entrance gate. 
A side view of the mansion.  It was huge! 
SMAK's adirondack chairs on the lawn of the white house.  Not the real one...but a huge white house that had a massive private beach and lovely manicured lawns.

This is where we had supper at the end of Day One.  If you are ever in the New Bedford must eat here.  The food is fabulous.  Day two was an early day because we did the Island Hopper to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.  We had to be at the docks at 8 am in Hyannis Port.

First stop Martha's Vineyard.  We decided to do the Martha's Vineyard Transit here.  Our bus stop was across from this Friends Church.  We waited about 15 minutes for the number 13 bus.

I loved the colorful houses.

Every where you looked you could find vintage cars.  This one reminds me of my HHR.

A lighthouse on Martha's Vineyard

A gorgeous flower.  We had several mini botany lessons about plants while we were there.

We all love General stores.  While we were here Susan bought us all a tiny rubber chicken to go with our trip joke.  Ok, I will tell it to you.....James Bond met a chicken...and being the polite spy he is...he offered his hand and said, "Bond, James Bond, " to which the chicken offered his wing and replied, "Ken, Chic Ken!"  Between that and the YEAUP that you hear the bidders say on the show Storage Wars...we spent a lot of time laughing like school girls over silly things.

Another gorgeous house and gazebo.

Some more colorful ladies.  The neat thing was how well kept these houses were.

Another Martha's Vineyard lighthouse.  When it came time for us to head back to the ferry for our next leg we had all decided that public transportation was not for us.  It was too hot!  Whatever it took we were going to have air conditioning on Nantucket.  And air conditioning we had.  Coming into the harbor at Nantucket we saw some amazing yachts.  I can't believe that any one person could own something so large.
We had an errand at the Waumosett Inn and when we got our rented Cruze...we saw this grand old taxi.  They don't use it anymore....and that is a shame.  I would love to own this old wagon myself.

The garden entrance way to the Inn was lovely and blessed with tons of beautiful plants like these glorious daylillies.

...and these huge hydrangeas.  I have never seen one with individual flowers as large as this one had.  I am hoping my friend Chet knows what kind of hydrangea this is.

We discovered a non-white lighthouse must outside of Waumosett.  It was so pretty standing there with its light shining.  This is still a working lighthouse.  In fact all the lighthouses on Martha's Vineyard AND Nantucket are working ones.

Nantucket harbor light number one.  There are actually three in this location. 

This lighthouse is number two and reminds me of the lighthouse at Sanibel Island in Florida.

The flower of the rosa ragosa plant.  They take the tomato looking things and make jams out of them.  Let me tell you....this is one very thorny bush.

An osprey nest.

We went shelling and this little guys was very interested in what we were doing.  He watched and followed us up and down the beach.

Day is done and the sun is sinking low on the harbor.  Our ferry goes back to Hyannis Port at 8:20.  We will arrive at 10:10.

I have always wanted a night picture of a lighthouse and Susan took this one from the bow of the boat.  You can barely see the lighthouse....but the light is ever present.  Our last full day here and we went back to the apartment and began preparing to leave.....tomorrow we would meet up with Chuck and hand off Susan and the remaining three of us would head to the airport to catch our flights home. 

We met Chuckles in Mystic Seaport at this restaurant where we had a wonderful lunch with a harbor view.  It was lovely.  After lunch we walked a bit and then all piled in our rental car and toured the town.  The heat was unbearable....and it was only 88. 

Street signs in Mystic.

Mystic seaport Maritime museum from across the harbor.

Loved this tag.

Tug boat at the entrance of the Mystic Seaport Maritime Museaum.  The door on the top is actually the kind of door you would find in a house.

I wish I could say this was our rental car....but wasn't.  It was parked outside one of the shops we visited and we could not pass up the opportunity to get a quick photo op.

Chuck too our only shot together for the whole trip....we are standing on the pier/docks at Mystic Seaport waiting for the drawbridge to go down.  It divides the town in half and really stops up things when it is in use.

One of the strange little stores in Mystic.  We said our good byes to Chuck and Sue and headed back to the airport.  The trip was wonderful.  We all laughed....and really enjoyed time spent together.  We are already planning next years trip.  I have great family and dear friends.  I am truly a blessed woman....but most of all I have a wonderful husband who allowed me this opportunity to go and be goofy for a few days.  Thank you darling for giving me the chance to spread my wings and soar.  Until next year....this is Ken....Chic Ken...signing off.....Yeaup!
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  1. This looks like such fun! I've always wanted to go to Martha's Vinyard. Thanks for taking me along on your trip....perhaps I will get there one day.

  2. Good morning Karen!

    What a fabulous trip!! I've never been in that area of the country and it looks so beautiful. I'm glad you had a good time.
    I also have a hubby that lets me spread my wings and go with my darling DIL on trips. A true blessing. We are indeed blessed women!
    I'd love to see the Vanderbilt Breakers someday. I didn't know about it. I enjoyed the Vanderbilt Estate in Ashville, NC so much.

    Have a wonderful week friend!
    Hugs, Sherry

  3. I love all the pictures. Your trip sounds wonderful. I have never been there. The lighthouses are beautiful. So glad that you got to do this. Sounds like a lot of fun!


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