
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

1000th Post Giveaway!

Well it is almost here.  In 15 days I will post my 1000th post.  I am so excited and because I am so excited I want you to be excited I am doing a giveaway.  This will be my third giveaway since blogging and I love fixing up goodie baskets for winners, so that is what I am going to do again.  This is how it will work.  In October, right after I post my 1000th post,  I will randomly select one lucky name.  Will it be you?  I hope so.  In order to be entered in the lucky drawing you must do a couple of things for me.  1.  Follow me.  (If you already do then you are on the right track and have one entry...make sure you leave a comment.  You don't have to be a blogger to follow me....and enter.    2.  Post something about my giveaway on your blog with a link to mine.  You don't have to do a whole post....just a mention on the side is sufficient....and once you do let me know.  I am so excited.  I cannot believe I have posted almost 1000 posts.  That seems like so many right now....but it really only seems like yesterday that I began.  Hope you will stop by and enter!  Buena Suerte


  1. Hi Karen!

    How exciting!!

    Yes I posted an ad for your giveaway on my sidebar... gladly!

    Yes I am a follower... for a long time as you know!

    Yes PLEASE enter me in your giveaway... I would love to win!

    WOW... 1000 posts is incredible!!

    Hugs, Sherry

  2. I was curious as to how long it has taken you. I saw where you started blogging in 2007, so I'm assuming four years. So almost one a day. Awesome!!! Please enter me in your giveaway and yes I am a follower.

  3. Woohoo, sweetie....congratulations on a job well done!

    Have a most gloriously blessed day sweetie! :o)

  4. What a wonderful accomplishment -- 1000 posts! I'm a follower (as you know). Thanks for you sweet visit.

  5. Great job!

    I'm a follower and posted a link in my sidebar! Congrats!!!!

  6. I'm following you on GFC. Yay! 1000 posts! That's something to really be proud of. Congratulations! :D


  7. I follow with GFC. Great blog and Congrats on 1000 post!!


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