
Friday, September 30, 2011

Be Still? Who Me?

Last year my cousin Amanda gave me a bracelet that read:  Psalm 46:10 - Be still, and know that I am God. (NIV).  She will never know how badly I needed this reminder.  When I am frustrated or depressed I fidget.  I do anything and everything to keep from dealing with what is bothering me. I had had many bad months and I was fidgeting big time.  I could not finish anything before I was flitting off to the next project.  I don't always wear the bracelet....but I do carry it.  This morning on my way to school I saw this reminder on a church sign and smiled.  Today is Homecoming Friday....I got up and came in early to do my last day of duty for the year, then had my planning period and am now anxiously awaiting my second block (and I need to say only class) of the day.  During this class we will be dismissing for the pep rally....after which they will go home.  At 12:00 I will head to the house.  This is a fidgety kind of day.  I can't get settled.  Beginning at 10:00 it has been a constant flow of students being dismissed to let them get ready for the pep-rally....I only have one class education is at a minimum.  The parade is at 2 and the social event of Alex City.  Businesses actually close to watch it.  But...even through all the white noise of the day I reminded myself about what a powerful, yet calming, piece of scripture Psalm 46:10 is! I need to remind myself....that this is a day when I need to relax in the sunshine -- a time to be still; a day to come home easly, spend some quality time with my darling husband and spend some time alone with God. After all he has been sending me quiet subliminal messages for the past few days with His.... "Be still, and know that I am God."   "Be still, and know that I am God, Karen!"  ""Be still, Karen, and know that I AM God!"  The "be still" part sounds very good but it is my hardest feat. It took me just alittle time to be quiet.  The big picture here between me and God is that He is in control.....not me.  Whew...I don't know about you....but that is very comforting. I am so grateful that God wants to spend time alone with me. job is to hear what He has to say to me....and be still!  Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I "get" your post - great reminder for me and I always think I need to be doing something - anything. but sitting still. Some days I would swear I am ADD, but really in my heart I know it is just that drive to keep moving. Being Still is very difficult, but very important. I hear ya, Karen.

  2. Awesome post!! And just know, you aren't alone in your struggles! HUGS!

    Have a super weekend!

  3. I could use a reminder bracelet.
    Sounds like an exciting day. I pray all the homecoming kids have a fun and safe time.

  4. That's my Daddy's favorite verse!

  5. Isn't it wonderful how the God of all comfort is available to all His children at the same time!

    Have a nice day Karen :-)

    & BTW, thanks for your recent comment on my WCS post. ~Ron


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