
Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Amanda!

Today is my cousin/sister Amanda's birthday.  We have been the best of buds since the day she first drew breath. I wish all of you could meet and know her.  You would be a blessed person for the experience....I know I am.   She is one of those people that I can tell anything and know she will go to her grave with it if I ask her not to say anything.  I can cry on her shoulder and she will either hold me or cry with me....while she is holding me.  She is my traveling, writing, singing partner and I cannot imagine my life without her in it.  She is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.  Even though Amanda is two years younger than me I have always had a special bond with her and kind of lived through her.  She has a spirit of adventure....and I have a spirit of less than adventurous.  She will try just about anything once.  She has parachuted from a perfectly good plane....just to say she could.  She has driven at NASCAR speeds....on back country roads....let me tell you she can teach those NASCAR boys a lesson in how to drive.  She has an amazing voice and I could listen to her sing for hours on end.....well...actually that is a lie because the minute I hear her sing....I jump in with harmony.  For years we have lived a good distance away....and now I am so close I can see her easily....and I love it.  Frank is away this weekend and tomorrow, Rebecca, Amanda and I are doing something that is great fun for her birthday....we are going in the studio to lay down tracks.  I cannot wait and I could tell when I talked to her earlier in the week that she is just as excited.  I think we are planning to cut another whole album of Gospel music.  That will be great fun.  But...that is a story for another, right now...I want to wish my dear friend/cousin/sister....a very Happy Birthday!  I love you girl!

Things that make proud of Amanda!
Graduated from nursing school!

 Graduated with her B.S.N from Auburn

 One-third of Still Magnolias.

Singer, writer, friend, the best!  Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Hope she has a lovely birthday and that you have a great day tomorrow.


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