
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hodge Podge Volume 44

Here are the questions/responses for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Joyce makes it easy....all  you have to do is answer the questions on your own blog or facebook page then visit Joyces blog and  link your answers.  There are quite a few playing along every week and the more the merrier....
Tell Joyce I sent you.
1. What do you do at the first sign of a cold? Will you get a flu shot this year?  I up my Vitamin C intake at the first sign of a cold and take some Theraflu. Colds are few and far between for me.  The one I am currently getting over is a rare one.  IF I do get a usually becomes bronchitis if I don't take care. Oh yes,  I will get a flu shot.  I always do.
2. What advice can you give about how to conquer fear?  I am not one to answer this question....I am a claustrophobic....and the only way I overcome that is by just doing whatever it is....and trusting God that He will take care of me.

3. Share two good things about your life right now.  I am taking a photography class at Auburn University. Hopefully my BFF Mary will come home this week and I can hug her.

4. A hot fall fashion trend in 2011 is a return to sixties style...tunics with pants, shift dresses, pencil skirts, cinched waists, bold prints, high necklines and short lengths to name a few. How does this fashion trend fit with your wardrobe and personal sense of style? Not at all.  I loved tunics with pants back in the day.  I thought they looked good.  The can have.  I hated polyester was hot.  I have always been one to make my own fashion don't look for me to be sporting white hooker boots, hip huggers, and bold prints....not happening.

5. Were you involved in scouting as a kid? How about as an adult?  Yes, I was a browning and girl scout as a child.  I was a den mother for a bit when my son was a Cub Scout.

6. Apple, pear, plum, pumpkin...your favorite fall flavor?  All of the above.  I love all those smells cooking or burning as a candle.   Yummmm!

7. What characteristics do you think are essential in a good teacher?  Love of the profession and the students. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.  It is football season and we are a house divided.  Fortunately we are not both from the same conference. I am an Auburn grad, and we are SEC football.
I want Auburn to win.  I have to confess....I really am not a football fan....that is Frank's department.  I read, sleep, catch up on chores and pass through the room long enough to catch an important play.  Frank is an FSU fanatic.  FSU is part of the ACC conference.  I don't know what I will do when FSU joins the SEC.  What team do you root for?  WDE and have a Happy Wednesday!



  1. I wasn't overly fond of 70's fashion either. However I am wearing a pink floral tunic today. Good luck with the football thing. Lucky for me I'm not a big I can honestly always say, "I hope your team wins".

  2. Go Vols! But if the Vols are not playing we always always root for the SEC. Except Florida. We are not fans of Florida : )

  3. The 70's were horrendous. We don't need to relive that, lol!

    We are not really sports fans here in the house so no conflits about that for us.

    Hugs & love,

  4. Vit C works very well! I love the candles in all those scents! I am going to go buy some tomorrow and also a lighter... We dont currently have one.

  5. When I read #8, I was thinking what y'all will do when/if FSU joins the SEC! Just read Joyce's comment and's the same in our house! Auburn is our #2 fav...CH was an Auburn fan until I converted him!

  6. Your description of the fashions made me chuckle! Reminded me of the movie "Pretty Woman". Not really me either ;)

  7. I need to take a photography glass, I am totally clueless. Pumpkin candle is one of my favorites. I don't do football but my husband watches them all!


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