
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Project 365 - Week 37

Today is Sunday and my normal day to post my photos for the week.  Before I do I want to take a moment and remember what today is....the tenth anniversary of 9/11.  This is the day that America was wounded.  Sometime today please take a few minutes and pause in remembrance of those who lost their lives on that awful September day.  Like all of the other tragic days in my life;  both Kennedy's being shot, the Cuban Missle Crisis, etc.....I can remember that day like it was yesterday.  I in my classroom and the visions I saw on the television will forever be etched in my brain.  God Bless America!  Thank you men and women of the armed forces for keeping our enemies away.  Sara , ...Make Music From Your Heart to the Lord, has put up her weekly linky and others will be posting their pictures and telling their stories.  I hope you hop over and check out all the wonderful works of the Project 365 people.  I am honored to be a part of this group!

Sunday, September 4th

My friend Mary, the one who is in the hospital, missed the wedding of her oldest son Jesse on Sunday.  I was there as her representative along with several other family members.  The wedding was supposed to be outside at Jesse's dad's house on the lake....but the rain had other things in mind so it was moved to the Elks Lodge and was just as beautiful as the outdoor one would have been.  Jesse was very handsome as he waited for his bride to come down the aisle and Liz was gorgeous.  I wish them both eons of happiness.

 Monday, September 5th
What a wonderful church sign!

Tuesday, September 6th
The sky has been so gray....and today there was a peeking of sun and blue.  Loved it!

Wednesday, September 7th

Do ya think they are from Louisiana?....and are LSU fans?

Thursday, September 8th
We bowled in Alex City tonight.  It was the first night of our league.  I thought the fountain in the yard of Aliant Bank looked so pretty and the grass behind it so lush.

Friday, September 9th

My Friday post was about the cascarones (painted eggs) my students made for my class and Frank's fretwork.  I had a ball taking these pictures and am so very proud of Frank's scroll saw work....he has really amazed me with his eye for minute detail.

Picture of our church....this is Frank's next endeavor.  He is going to make a pattern of the church and do it with the scroll saw.  I will definitely be posting about it when he finishes and I can't wait to see.

Our church sign.  Still Magnolias, my group, is singing next Saturday at the church.  I can't wait.  It seems like forever since we have been together harmonizing.

Saturday, September 10th

I went with Lyndi (pictured) and her mom, Marcie to get Lyndi's senior pictures made.  Kevin Lanier, the photographer, is a friend of mine and knows I am interested in learning how to take better pictures so he allowed me to monkey back on some of his shots.  I had a blast seeing through his eyes....Lyndi had a blast being Queen for the day....and mom, Marcie.....she became a camera assistant for Kevin Lanier.
...great day with great people.  Thanks Marcie and Lyndi for letting me tag along.


  1. I didn't know you were in a singing group!!

    Your church is so pretty!

    I am dropping hints for a better camera for birthday/christmas!

  2. Great photos. So sorry your friend could not attend her sons wedding.
    Love the church sign about ice cream!

  3. I love the church sign - but it's making me crave a banana split :)

    Those are great senior pics - I think you're doing a great job.

    I can't wait to see what else Frank comes up with to make.

  4. I hope someone takes a video of you guys singing!!! Hugs!

  5. Weddings always make for a good week!

    Blessings for the rest of your week!



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