
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Project 365 - Week 39

Can you believe that we have been doing this for 39 weeks?  I can't.  It just seems like yesterday I stumbled on Sara's site and began my whirlwind courtship with my camera and the world.  Over the past 39 weeks there has been a camera change and a photography class begun.  This week you are my photography class guinea pigs.  I have learned about AV (A on a Nikon) and TV (S on a Nikon), ISO, depth of field, and so much more than my head is spinning.  Now...remember I am a beginner.  If you want to see some really good photographs head over to Sara's and look around.  You won't be disappointed.  You can find an array of everything there.
Sunday, September 18th
I know I promised you a week without shoot me(get it...shoot lens...hahaha)...I lied.  I am still as fascinated with them as I was in the beginning.  The Cinderella is turning orange and is close to being ready to pick.

Monday, September 19th

We are giving graduation exams this week and I displaced today.  I did my photography class assignment which was to practice field of depth and using AV in a well lit area....with two coke bottles....but hey I am a teacher and we do apples.  I was pretty impressed.....I am only sharing 2 of the 20 actualy pictures I took.  Aren't you glad?  I knew you would be.

Tuesday, September 20th
Practicing in class with the lady across from me.  We were working on lighting and ISO and trying to blur the background.  I am tired....and I blurred a little more than just the background....I ended up focusing on the lens of the camera.....LOL....oh well...that is why they call it practice.

Wednesday, September 21st
I thought this was a great church sign since I am taking the photography class.

Thursday, September 22nd

Playing with ISO.  The top pumpkin was shot at 400 and the bottom at 800.  I was standing in the same spot.  I call the bottom picture a pumpkin eclipse.  What do you think?

Friday, September 23rd

Reflections of life.

Saturday, September 24th
Still Magnolias in at Steve's Studio getting ready to lay down tracks for our new CD.  Amanda and Rebecca are double checking harmonies before it is time to start.  I am so exited.  Actually that is an understatement.  I was so excited that the video I was planning to do during the recording session did not happen because I forgot to turn the thing on.  I hope you had a good week and I am wishing you a great next week.  It is Homecoming week at our school and every day is a different theme be ready for some cute kid pictures next week.  God Bless!


  1. I need to take a class. I did take a basic one when I bought my camera last week, but it was very basic. I need to look into something better!!!

    I love the pumpkin eclipse!!!

    It is homecoming week here too! Always something to look forward to, however, I have a boy that will most likely not dress up at all this week! ha!

  2. You are learning so much about your camera and photography Karen! I love photography but only use a small digital camera. Still, I have lots of fun with it. Keep up the good work girl!!

    Big hugs & blessings, Sherry

  3. LOVE the shot with the flag in the window. Very nice.

    I too need to take a photography class...some day.

  4. The pumpkin is lovely. Love your camera stuff, I really need to learn that stuff. I have the Dummy book for my camera but haven't read it! Hope your weekend is going well.

  5. Thanks for sharing what you are learning. Good for you. I don't know if i would have the patience, or the brains. I rely mostly on luck.
    I like the Reflections of Life idea. Maybe i'll try looking for those this week.

  6. Love the pumpkin eclipse - it's really cool! I should do a class too - I haven't even begun to understand our camera.

    I want a Still Magnolias CD!


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