
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Project 365 - Week 36

Well it is that time of week again when all of the Project 365'ers post their photo journals.  I hope some of you will try next year.  I have really gotten a blast out of this,.....and a new camera.  I am so thankful to Sara for hosting us and hope she will continue to do so.  Want to see everyone else's pictures then head over to Sara's blog and check them out.  I promise you there are some over there that should be making a living doing this....awesome I tell you.
Sunday, August 28th
 Sunday after church and lunch with the Baptist Church, Frank and I went to Lowe's in Opelika to get some wood for his projects.  On our way back I asked him to stop at this little country road I had seen on the way down so I could get a shot of the sun and the trees.

Monday, August 29th
On my way home from school I saw this funny church sign in Daviston.  I think I could have done a whole week of church signs this week...there were so many to choose from.

Tuesday, August 30th
My little pumpkin is filling out.  It is a Cinderella Pumpkin because of it's shape.  It looks like her coach.
I know you guys are sick of my pumpkins...but the green one/watermelon wannabe is finally turning orange.  Maybe it will be ready by October. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 31st
 The sun was setting.  It was almost 7:00 PM and it was still 88 degrees here and we have had no rain.  No one is cutting grass for fear of setting a grass fire.  It is so dry.

Thursday, September 1st
Sunrise from the BRHS parking lot.  It looked like the sun was lasering through the tree so I had to grab this shot.

Friday, September 2nd

I checked my pumpkins when I came home....and this is how they have changed since Tuesday!  Can you believe it!  The orange on the bottom picture is amazing and the size on the Cinderella pumpkin is unreal!  I promise....unless something drastic happens there will not be ANY pumpkin pictures next week!  Cross my heart!

Saturday, September 3rd
 We had a cookout at Amanda's.  Her kids are all here for the weekend.  I love it when they come.  I just love seeing those babies!
Jax, Della's son was born in mid-December and has decided he is ready to walk.  He is so cute!

Appetizers on the grill with Chef Boy R Dustin (Ramona's husband).  The main course was grilled chicken and the sides were macaroni salad, potato salad (Della's famous for this), slaw, fresh tomatoes, baked beans(my specialty), garlic was yummy!  For dessert we had homemade ice cream(thanks to David) and fresh peach cobbler (thanks to Suzanna(Davids wife)...and there was a gorgeous red velvet cake Patty brought and much much more.

These were peaches Kimball bought at the market.  They are South Carolina peaches and delish!

The tomatoes were courtesy of Kimball as well.

Remember the cute red, white and blue strawberries Ramona made on the 4th?  Well this was her fall contribultion.  Are these not the cutest things....and all it is is a hershey's kiss, a mini vanilla wafer, a piece of a pretzel stick and some frosting!  How cute are these????
Drew man(right) and Big Wheels (left) enjoying their lunch at their special table.

Tommy wanting to get to the television.  I missed a picture of Will somehow.  We are going back tomorrow for a bit...I will try and feature him on my Sunday next week.  Have a Happy and Safe Labor Day Holiday!


  1. What sweet babies you were surrounded with all week. Gives me baby fever!

    Hugs & love,

  2. love those aorns - I am going to have to try those.

    your picnic food sounds good too !

  3. wow, I can't believe those pumpkins grew SO much in two days!!!! Are you going to make a pie? There is nothing like a fresh pumpkin pie!!! yum!

  4. I saw those little acorn in a Disney magazine. I think I need to make those for Thanksgiving this year. Love the pictures and the kids are adorable. The peach coobler sounds so good. I love seeing the pumkins and it does look like Cinderella's coach!

  5. I love your pumpkin pictures!!! Yes you are right the one does look like Cinderella's coach. The chocolate "acorns" were cute, thanks for the idea.

  6. I never get tired of taking picture in my garden, but I know how you feel. I always think "Who wants to see another picture of my tomatoes?"

    Have a great week!

    Peach cobbler is on the menu for desert tonight.


  7. I love the little acorn snacks! I'm going to have to 'borrow' that one!
    I love seeing your pumpkins,too! they're really looking great-especially the Cinderella one.
    we're having the same temp/no rain issues here. it doesn't dip below triple digits until it gets dark around 8:30, and we haven't had rain in about 4 months.

  8. I don't mind the pumpkin pictures at all - it's fascinating! Love the little acorns & your sun shots.

  9. You know what you get when you plant watermelons and pumpkins too close, don't you?

    Your church signs crack me up. Just this last week I heard that Janet Parshall on Moody Radio loves to receive and comment on them.

    We just bought peaches from a friend--perfectly delicious and grown in Indiana, imagine that.

    Have a great week!


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