
Friday, September 16, 2011

Stained Glass Shepherd Hear My Song

My Holy Shepherd and Me!
I love stained glass.  One of my most vivid memories as a child was the huge piece of stained glass in the back/front of my church of Jesus, the Shepherd.  Anytime I had problems(especially when my brother died) I would sneek into the sanctuary....and talk to that picture.  I even think I sang in the choirs so I could sing to that picture.  It is permanantly etched in my mind forever....and has always been a constant comfort.  Can't you just imagine Him....standing there...holding his little sheep?  I could....and I knew that that little sheep was somehow me.  Back then, and even today.....I find that music is just like that stained glass because it is a composition of many elements that make up a complete object.  With music you have the base line, alto line, melody, rests, pauses, louder parts, softer parts....and when you add it all have a beautiful song.  Stained glass is broken pieces of colored glass....compiled to make a beautiful picture.  Just like the stained glass Shepherd soothed me when I was a child, music does today.  Singers like Sandi Patti, Mary Mary, Travis Cottrell all manage to soothe, delight, inspire, and entertain me.  I sing all the time.  My poor husband gets an overdose anytime we get into a car.  I can hardly contain myself.  Sometimes I sing and cry....other times I sing really loud.  I am sure there are countless unsuspecting motorists who have been entertained by my boisterous singing at red lights.  I love to sing at Veteran's remembrances...Lee Greenwood's, "God Bless the U.S.A." fills me with tears and pride.  I love to look in each veteran's face and see the flood of emotions.  It lifts me so much.  I also sing a goofy song called "Ol' Blue" that I have done for my kids all their life time....and they are over 30.  It is still one of their most requested songs.  Music is almost like life blood to me.  Even King Saul, when he was troubled, would send for the shepherd boy, David, to sing to him. David's psalms covered a multitude of topics from good to bad.  For me....the songs that bring the most comfort are the ones I connect with.  Even my way is the darkest, I can sing....I may be crying....but I am still singing.  It is all the mosaic that makes up my is my personal stained glass picture....and I know one will be as breathtaking as the one I loved so at First Methodist Church in West Palm Beach.  Have a Wonderful Friday.


  1. I didn't grow up in a church that had stained glass like that. They are so beautiful. I do love stained glass and have several lamps done in it! Hope you have a great weekend.
    "Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like its heaven on earth."

    - Mark Twain

  2. Singing is another way of giving all the glory to God! Sing it, sister! :D


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