
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Stumbling Into Grace

About the Book:  After seeing and hearing Lisa Harper at a Women of Faith Conference in Atlanta I was excited about reading her book, Stumbling into Grace. I hoped beyond all hope that this would not be another highbrow book about Grace that I wished I had not asked for.  I have to admit the front cover with the precious little Diva wannabe on it made me smile and I thought, hum...this could be just what I'm needing right now.  In person, Lisa Harper has such wit and charm as she shares her life storis and the book is just like hearing her live.  I don’t know if it was the fact that I had just seen her, but I could actually hear her talking to me in the book as she shared her stories and then used those stories to get across what Grace was all about. The book was filled with some wonderful stories but one of my all  time favorites was about an incident in a hotel in Chattanooga. Her expert use of lighthearted scenarios throughout the entire book makes a profound impact on her readers.  At the end of each chapter, there is a section for personal reflection/group discussion questions and thought-provoking journal entries. 
My Thoughts:  As a middle-aged female I have been a fan of Lisa Harpers for a while.  I have heard her speak several times and love the way she leads you quietly along with her humor and before you realize it you are renewed and revived.  Stumbling Into Grace is a must read for today’s Christian woman.  I am one of those Christians who finds myself many times stumbling into grace and all I can say is that I am glad that option is available.   This is the kind of book I will dog ear, give as gifts, use in my own ministry every chance I get. The teaching is authentic and very easy to understand for the trained and not trained.   Lisa Harper is like a best friend you have never met when you read her books. She says things that only best friends are comfortable saying to each other.  I encourage you to walk, no run, to your nearest bookstore and get your own copy.  You won’t regret it!

About the Author: “Rarely are the terms hilarious storyteller and theological scholar used in the same sentence, much less used to describe the same person…but then again, Lisa Harper is anything but stereotypical! She has been lauded as a gifted communicator, whose writing and speaking overflows with colorful pop culture references that connect the dots between the Bible era and modern life. Her style combines sound scriptural exposition with easy-to-relate to anecdotes and comedic wit.  Best-selling author and pastor Max Lucado calls Lisa one of the “best Bible tour guides around,” and speaker Priscilla Evans Shirer adds, “If anyone can help us to hear, understand and receive the truth of Scripture it is Lisa Harper. Her God-given ability to not merely teach the Word but package it in a way that stirs the heart and calls to action is incomparable. When she speaks ears perk up!” Lisa’s pastor – Scotty Smith of Christ Community Church in Franklin, TN – sums up her appealing approach with this commendation, “In a day in which people deeply connect with stories and yet too often find the Bible abstract and irrelevant, Lisa shows us that the 66 books of the Bible are telling one grand story of personal and cosmic redemption, with Jesus starring as the lead character.”  Want to know more…check out her website: or on the Women of Faith site:  She is addictive so be prepared!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Book Sneeze . I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

1 comment:

  1. I don't who she is but the book sounds like it would be a wonderful read. Have a wonderful weekend.


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