
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday Hodge Podge for Sept 7th

Today is Wednesday and one of my favorite days of the week.  It is hump day and the week is half over, it is church night, and it is Hodge Podge Day.  That special day when Joyce chooses 7 + a random thought to fill our days with delightful answers.  Want more?  Then check out Joyce's blog for today....and might even want to play along.  Here are Joyce's questions and my answers.
1. What is one piece of advice you would give a 'just-turning' 21 year old adult?
Make God your best friend.  Talk to Him daily and often.  Don't make ANY decisions without discussing them with him first.  He won't let you down.
2. Besides cooler weather (or warmer weather, depending on your hemisphere) what is one thing you are looking forward to this fall?
The is a gimme.  I love the anticipation of the leaves changing color.  There are a ton of hardwoods between me and my job and I love the drive....especially in the fall.  I can't wait to fire up the fire pit and make s'mores and enjoy the warmth and comfort.  I love fall and cannot wait to go to the mtns. for Fall Break!
3. What sound lulls you to sleep?
Any kind of white noise.  I love the sound of a fan or small motor running the best....but I can go to sleep with any kind of white noise.
4. September is National Preparedness Month...does your family have an emergency 'kit' and/or disaster plan in place?
Right after 9/11 my answer would have been a strong yes....but here we are 10 years later and I have used the canned foods as contributions to countless food drives and the water, well it went to school with me last year and I drank it.  I do keep flashlights and candles on the ready for power outages.  I know where to go in case of a tornado.  When there is a hurricane or ice storm I make sure our cars have gas, there is bread and food that can be eaten without power in the house.   I need to become fully prepared again.
5. How has your blog changed since you started blogging? Or has it?
I still write life stories, I still do scripture stories, I still do stories about my family, I have added this Wednesday Hodge Podge and love doing it, I also am reviewing books now and have added book reviews.  Usually they are few and far between because reading is something I don't get to do too often.....but lately they are more frequent.  I have discovered ebooks on my IPad and don't have to wait 7-10 days for books to arrive.  I am involved in Project 365 which is a year long photo journalism challenge.  I have yet to miss a day and it is improving my photography skills and my eye for things.  I am coming up on my 1000 post and can't wait.  I am going to do a giveaway of some check back in with me in October!
6. What's something you've recently learned to do on the computer?
Teacher Evaluations used to be called PEPE's in Alabama.  Now we do Educate Alabama and you have to do a series of things on the computer.  There is a self-assessment, a PLP (Professional Learning Plan) and then if it is your year for a full evaluation you will have the principals remarks....if not...then you can actually go in and add your own proof of the pudding.  That is really neat because on some day when you do something really cool you can go in and brag on yourself.  I love this!
7. Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate.
I am a writer.  I can use some words....but since the first of the year when I began Project 365 I am discovering that some pictures speak volumes without a single word being written.
Sure I could write a story about WHY this man is crying....but the tear and the look in his eye are worth a thousand words.  Don't you think?
8. Insert your own random thought here.  Sunrise or Sunset....which is your favorite.
I love sunrise because it is a new beginning.  I think sunsets are sad because they mark the end of something.  I have experienced neither in the past couple of days, thanks to TS Lee,  and am feeling out of sorts right now.  I am not complaining....we needed the rain....but it was gray when I left yesterday for work....that same gray all day....and gray when I got home last night.  Sigh!  I wouldn't mind a rainbow thrown in for good measure.  Happy Wednesday to you all!


  1. I love a beautiful sunrise too and most of them are beautiful. We haven't seen one in days

    I'm excited for fall favorite season!

  2. Love your answer for #1. I grew up with a church background but didn't know God personally until I was around 42! We do white noise on our sound machine. Hope you get a rainbow. I love a sunset.

  3. I love the way your blog has evolved!

    Hugs & love,

  4. Thanks for your sweet visit -- I love fall as well -- all the colors -- we're having so much rain though -- I hope it doesn't just wash all the leaves away -- some real gully washers and frog stranglers here.

  5. I love your answer to #1. Something we ALL need to remember :)


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