
Saturday, October 22, 2011

His Steadfast Love Review

About the Book:  The Civil War - a defining time of great sacrifice, change, and betrayal which determined the fate of the Nation.  It isn’t until it comes into her very home that Amanda Belle must face impossible choices of love, loss, and loyalty.  It's the spring of 1861 on the Gulf Coast of Texas.  Although Amanda never thought she would marry because of her promise she made to her dying mother, her attraction to Captain Kent Littlefield is undeniable.  When Texas secedes from the Union, her brother Daniel marches off to war to fight for the Confederate States and Kent remains with the Union troops.  Her heart is torn between the two men she loves and the two sides of the conflict. When she turns to God for help, Amanda expects direction and support, but hears nothing. Is God listening to her anymore? Where is God in the atrocities of war—and whose side is He on?  Amanda senses her life is at a turning point. But she must trust God to bring her family through the chaos that threatens her home, her family, and the beloved state of Texas . . . with her heart, and her faith, intact.
About the Author:  Golden Keyes Parsons is an author who issues the challenge:  Dare to take God seriously!  Want to know more about her and the ministry she is part of?  Visit her website and blog at  
My Thoughts:  While I am not a huge fan of civil war historical romances this book was one of those you cannot put down.  I loved every moment I spent with Amanda and her family.  I was delighted to see how the young heroines faith in God came through during such a horrendous time in our history.  I would recommend this book and give it five stars.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

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