
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hodge Podge - Vol 50

Today is Hodge Podge Day and can you believe it....this is Volume 50.  That is cause for a big head over to Joyce's blog and join in the party!  Her questions this week are a riot and many of them deal with Halloween, fall, and things that go bump in the night.  Enjoy reading my responses to her questions.  Happy Wednesday to All!
1. What gives you goosebumps?  Unexplained noises in the dark.
2. Halloween-are you a lover or a hater? Okay, that sounds harsh...Halloween-yay or nay?   Nay!  Halloween used to be a fun and safe time for children….that time has long past.  I love the Fall Festivals that churches are having more and more.
3. Can you respect someone you do not trust, and can you trust someone you do not respect?  No!   Nuff said!
4. Apples or oranges? Yes, you have to choose.  Ok, Ok, I will choose.  Apples always, but.....I love Temple oranges when they are in season.

5. What is something you wish was in your town? (shop, restaurant, attraction, etc)  Anything!  Have you ever been to Roanoke, AL?  It is the town time forgot.  I want a movie theater…nearest one is 30 miles away, I would love a bowling alley, I would love a Starbucks…..I would love places to shop….besides Walmart and Catos.  I want a decent hospital too.
6. What non-food item is in your refrigerator or freezer?  There is a folder with medical information about Frank and I for the Lifeflight (helicopter service).  And some Yellow Dot information too.

7. Are you at all superstitious?  Not really….although black cats give me the heebie jeebies.

8. What is your favorite fall thing to do?  Mine is riding through the mountains and breathing in the smells of fall and seeing the gorgeous colors of fall.  Growing up in South Florida I missed seeing those things….and I have a lot of time to make up for.


  1. Fall is really beautiful up here too...we took a drive Sunday afternoon and the mass of color really does take your breath away.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Now you've got me wanting to go to the mountains again! LOL

    I never thought of putting important papers in the freezer. With my luck, they would work their way to the bottom--just like everything else does!

    Have a great day!

  3. Hi!
    I like apples too. Love fall, the cool weather and the pretty colors of the trees. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  4. Yes, those church parties for the kids are awesome. Those would be awesome things for your town. I do miss the color changes. We will get some leaf changes but not until November. I may see a few this weekend at the apple orchards.

  5. You are just as deprived of places as I am, but then again, I live in Germany. Still....a person can dream....

  6. Do you keep that information in your fridge, or ON your fridge? :)

    I love apples too. So Autumnal!

  7. The colors are my favorite too. I'm hoping to see some glorious colors this year.

    Hugs & love,

  8. I was laughing at #5! At least we have those things in the Small Town, or in the "twin city"!
    My mom has her funeral information in her freezer!

  9. Fall is my favorite!!

    Enjoy your day.

  10. I love Fall too. I miss it a lot here in the desert. I used to love riding the local ski lifts through the changing trees.


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