
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hodge Podge - Week 48

It's Wednesday which means its time for the weekly Hodgepodge. Everyone is welcome to play along...answer the questions on your own blog or fb page and add your link at the bottom of Joyce's post for all the world to see. Here are my answers to this week's questions-Joyce really had some good ones this week.
1. Have you ever been 'asked' to report for jury duty? Were you chosen to serve? If not, were you happy or disappointed?  I have been asked to report twice.  Once was a local thing and I was dismissed because of my maiden name....I was not disappointed.  I did not need to miss the days in the classroom.  The other one was in Montgomery at big court and it was a capital offense.  On Sunday night before I was to report on Monday I got a voice mail telling me the convicted person had settled out of court.  Whoooo Hoooo!  I don't mind jury duty....but as a teacher it can be a real pain to have to come up with substitute lesson plans for however many days you are going to be out. 

2. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being very) how mechanically inclined are you? Give an example to back up your answer.  Is -1 an answer.  I can change a battery in a flashlight, change a light bulb, but beyond that....not happening.
3. Beets-cabbage-cauliflower-butternut squash...of the four, which is your favorite fall vegetable?  I love cabbage when Frank cooks it.  He makes it taste wonderful.  I love butternut squash.  I would not put a beet in my mouth if my life depended on it and am not a huge fan of cauliflower....although I love broccoli.  Go figure! 
4. What do you recommend to overcome self-pity?  I do something for someone else, craft, shoot some photos, sing, or just enjoy the great outdoors.

5. Do you enjoy classical music?  Yes. I love to clean to it.  Pachelbel's Canon in D Major is my all time favorite.  I am sharing Joyce's link to it.  I thought you might enjoy some easy listening too this fine fall morning.
6. October is National Book Month...what's on your reading list this month?
I just finished The Wonder of Your Love by Beth Wiseman and loved it.  If you are in to the Amish stories...this one is fabulous!  I have loved everything Beth Wiseman has written to date.  I am currently reading His Steadfast Love by Golden Keyes Parsons and loving it too.  I also just finished Stained Glass Hearts by Patsy Clairmont and if you follow her with Women of Faith this is a must read.
7. What is your idea of 'cute' ?  babies(especially baby pictures), pouppies, kitties, shoes, and little children.
8. Insert your own random thought here. What is your favorite song?  Why?  What memory does it bring to mind?
Frank says all songs are my favorite....that is not entirely true.  I do love music....period....but if I had to nail it down it would look something like this:
Rock Classic (from my decade) - Dust in the Wind (Kansas)
Hymn - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Contemporary Christian - Shackles (by Mary Mary)
Pop - Wind Beneath My Wings (Bette Midler)
Country - God Bless the USA
As far as memories go they are many....the best one is that Frank proposed to me after I finished singing God Bless the USA on July 4th.  It will forever be my most favoritest song.
So leave me a comment and tell me what your favorite(s) is/are.  Happy Wednesday!


  1. I like the way you broke down the music favorites. That's how I'd need to do my list of these days I'll put them in writing. I like Amish story lines so will check out your recommendation.

  2. That is so sweet how your hubby proposed to you.

    I actually got up the nerve one time to try beets, oh.. never again.

  3. I enjoyed doing my part years ago and now when I get called I just want them to say I'm not needed :)
    Canon in D is one of my favorites.


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