
Friday, October 28, 2011

it Takes a Village......and I Am a Believer

I hope you forgive my rambling today.  As you all know my BFF Mary has the big "C".  Prognosis was not great....two years or I am going to tell you....I am a realist....but I DO fervently believe in miracles.  I have come to understand however that sometime the miracle is not one we see here on earth.  the State of Alabama made a most intelligent decision back during the summer to raise teachers/state employees insurance rates....a lot.  Those of us who have under 25 years and cannot retire yet....are going to be crucified.  Beginning January 1 our insurance will go up every month....and every year....until we do retire....and even then we will be penalized for every year we are under 65.  It is a good chunk of change....AND on top of that...retirement took a 100.00 bite out of our paychecks beginning this month.  Anyone who is able to retire....must submit their intent....but October 31st....or they will be nailed with the new formulas.  Mary is not coming back to work...and will have to retire earlier than we had planned.  Yesterday, her son Casey worked on her paperwork and ran it to the Central Office to have them fill out their part....only to find the doors locked.  He was so frustrated.....he needed those papers on him when he left for Auburn at 6:30 in the morning....and it did not look like it was going to happen.....and that is where it truly does take a village comes in.  I made a phone call to the CSFO of our school system and asked her where she was.....Lo and behold she was sitting at her desk at the Central Office.  I explained the problem...and she said for Casey and I to come back and she would meet us downstairs and let us in.....AND fill out the much needed paperwork.  A small problem arose....we needed a Notary....and the systems two had already left for the day.....I again got on the phone and began calling all my Notary friends to see if someone could help.  I got my dear friend Willa....who was on her way out to dinner...but said she would take her seal with her and we could meet her at the restaurant.  Problem....I could not get ahold of Casey again.....Solved...when I did get him....he informed me that Rhonda had gotten one of the system notaries, my precious friend Carolyn, and she had come back in to take care of this.  This was the topper...when this was all done...Casey had what he needed to run to Montgomery today.....and yet another angel from our village stepped good friend Robert....who works at the RSA building in Montgomery....volunteered to take the papers and turn them in....since he would already be there.  I am fortunate to have such wonderful friends....they rock my world and hold me got to school....and my cohorts here know I am hurting right told me she was praying for me....and another....wrapped her arms around me and held me......yep...God is good to me.  Miracles can happen....I know they can.


  1. What a beautiful blessing these people gave to you and Casey. I am so sorry about her illness and all the changes that are going on with State decisions the effect your insurance rates. ((HUGS))

  2. No one can knit together the random or the impossible like our Heavenly Father.

    Luke 1:37
    For nothing is impossible with God.



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