
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Project 365 -Week 44

It is that time again....week 44 seemed to get here fast.  There are only 8 weeks left in 2011 and that is so hard to believe.  Where has the year gone?  Want to see some more cool shots then visit Sara at her blog and you can see some truly awesome work.  I have had a weird week so my pictures are a very odd combination.
Sunday, October 23rd
We had Charge Conference today and as soon as it was over we headed to Alex City to see Mary.  I had not seen her in a few days and was concerned and just needed to check on her.  We had a little prayer service with her and headed home.  

 Monday, October 24th
The Tallapoosa River in Wadley has not had a massive change of leaves....but they are beginning.  I hope the wind we are expecting this weekend don't blow the leaves off before they change fully.

Tuesday, October 25th
On my way home Tuesday I remembered the historical sign in New Site....and thought I would let you know about the Battle of Emucfau.  I have to tell you that my ancestors were Creek/Muscogee Indians.  I am quite fascinated with the Creek Indians and their story.

Wednesday, October 26th

Wednesday I came home from school feeling ill.  I spent the remainder of the afternoon in the bed.....Wednesday night our Children and Youth came to our house for a cookout and hayride.  A good time seemed to have been had by all.  

Thursday, October 27th

Decorations Bill put out at Mary's house.  Bill is the Yard Art King and I am glad to see him trying for some sort of normalcy.  Mary loves to have her yard decorated. I think the black pumpkins are frightening.

Friday, October 28th

Stopped by to see Mary before heading home.  She has really gotten some lovely flowers.  The Auburn ones(top) were gorgeous....and REAL!  Our friend, Jo, got those and they are really something.  After our brief visit I headed home because tonight we, (Marcie, Kim and I) are having a Lock In for girls at our church.
Playing Bingo with Marcie was a hit.  They all tried hard to win one of the coveted prizes she had brought.  No more Lock In's for me....I am way too old for this.

Saturday, October 29th
I baked apples and made cinnamon rolls today and they were both yummy.  I used my Little Grandmother's Baked Apple recipe...I posted the recipe and some photos earlier in the week.  Most of my Susie Homemaker Moves took place in between naps after losing so much sleep last night.  This is butter braid strawberry cream cheese bread...and no I did not make it from was a frozen let it rise to twice it's size and bake...viola...even a cooking klutz like myself can do this!  Hope you have a great Halloween, first week of November....and enjoy your family and friends!


  1. our leaves are just starting to change. I took Jared on a college visit this week and noticed the colors are really starting to pop out!!!

    yep, I don't do lock ins any more....takes too long to recover!!! :)

    that break looks amazing!

  2. Your pics are wonderful and all your baked goods sound so scrumptious!! I love to bake but then I want to eat it all... a constant battle for me. There's nothin' like the smell of a great apple pie or any kind of bread baking in the fall.

    Hugs & blessings, Sherry

  3. Those butter braids are amazingly good and easy!
    Hope Mary is doing okay.

  4. The bread looks wonderful, and now that I know it comes in a tube, I might be able to handle that.
    Cute kids, great ministry.
    Have a blessed week.

  5. Looks like a fun week. I can't imagine the energy for those lock-ins.

    That bread looks lovely.

    Hugs & love,

  6. hahaha, I can relate to "too old for this" -- just reading about it made me tired! :)
    Looks like a fun, full week! I'm part Cherokee; my great-grandmother was a full blood but I know virtually nothing about my Indian ancestry though.
    I'll have to go back and check out that recipe :) Looks yummy!

  7. I had to laugh about the lock-in - I know better than to even volunteer for something like that :)

    Love the flowers & the bread sounds yummy!

  8. my husband (a youth pastor) stopped doing locks ins years ago. hes been "too old" for them since he was about 35, lol.

  9. Awesome pictures! Looks like you had a busy week.


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