
Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday and Reality

It is Black Friday.  Frank and I got up at 4 so that we could be at Lowe's when they opened at 5.  No big flat screen TV for us....nope...I am not camping out at Best Buy for ANYTHING!  But....Walmart had a printer (on sale at midnight) and the winner was Lowe's.  They had a table saw bargain we just could not pass up.  Frank needs it for his scroll saw work to rip his wood.  I loved getting up and enjoyed watching his face as we procured one of the five table saws this particular Lowes was given.  VICTORY is sweet.  We headed back to the beach house, fixed breakfast, I took some family pictures of Kat and Brian (they were leaving before breakfast)....and Linda and Victor (she did not want to ruin her shirt) family (especially the women) tends to feed their chests when we eat. I call it, "Feeding the girls."  Frank always chuckles at me when I do it.  It has become a standing aside.  I am not the only one who does it...all of us girls have the same issue.  We are headed to Destin Commons in a few minutes to continue our Black Friday event.  Why you ask?  I am almost through with my Christmas shopping....I just love the initial start to the Holiday madness.  I love not having to buy anything....just people watch.  We did nothing but buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks and I had my very first ever whoopie pie. We went back to the beach house....we were gone 2 hours.  I made pictures of the rest of the gang and we head to Hobby Lobby and then home.  I hope your Black Friday is productive, I hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful, I hope you did not eat too much turkey so that you can make turkey sandwiches to enjoy, I hope you enjoy your guests....and I will see you on Saturday with another crazy story....of my crazy life....and my very hundred percent, certifiably crazy and wonderful family and life.


  1. Glad you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving --- a beach house Thanksgiving sounds like a wonderful idea! I'm still in my pj's -- no venturing out for "black Friday" shopping for me! Hooray....I got all my shopping done at the Veterans day sales. Hiving Christmas with our Georgia kids at Thanksgiving makes me get ready early.

  2. The 2 ladies I eat lunch with often "feed the girls"! I always get a good laugh about that.
    No Black Friday for me, but I may go by the yankee candle store for a couple of purchases.
    Sounds like you're having a good weekend!

  3. Sounds like your having a productive day. Feeding the girls, so funny! I always have a napkin tucked in under my chin.

  4. Funny.....around our house we refer to that specific disorder as a genetic defect that is passed from mother to daughter. She is now genetically predestines to spill anything she eats on "the girls", this disorder also increases exponentially with the wearing of a clean white shirt!

    We keep a constant supply of spray and wash on hand.....



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