
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall Ramblings on Friends

I read a devotional this morning by Barbara Sanders.  She used Proverbs 18:24 in her piece and it really struck home with me.  I began asking myself, "What kind of friend are you?"  The verse states: "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."  I am a very fortunate person.  I have many friends that I pick up, like flowers along life's path.....and then I have a few friends that have been part of my life for a long time.  I have a couple that have been my friends since I was 5. 
Carol(she is the bride in the picture) lived behind us when we moved to 1127 El Prado in West Palm Beach and we became friends before our parents had even met.  When she and her family moved to 1132 El Prado we developed a pass through so we could get to each other's house quicker. (There was only one house between us....and that is where the Gunnells/Andersons lived.)  I was with Carol when my brother, Dougie, died.  We went to school together, we walked to Belvedere together, we rode the bus to Forest Hill together, we graduated together, we spent countless nights at each others houses, we went to PBJC together...even when she began dating Jeff....we did stuff together....the only difference was now there were three of us.  Jeff became my good friend too.  They live in South Carolina now and I live in Alabama....and I know where she is....and I know we are still friends. 
Susan and I also became friends when we were five.  She lived just around the corner from me.  We also went to school together, we played together....but we were different friends,  Susan and I drifted in and out of each others lives over the years.  I attended FUMC and she attended Northwood Baptist.  Even with us being separated.....I always knew she was there....and hoped she always knew I was for her.  We graduated together and went to PBJC together.  She met and married Chuck and they live in Knoxville, TN....and even today....we can go months without physically seeing each other....and when we get together it is like we have never been apart.  She is the friend I can call at any time of the day and she will pray for me, come to me, stay with me.  Once in my life I thought she was my long lost cousin....but that was not really true.  I was sad when my aunt burst that bubble.  I also have a group of Bible Study friends that know things no one else knows.....and they also know where my journals and bible study books (especially Beth Moore's Breaking Free) and know that if anything ever happens to me they are to come into my house and burn them.  Sigh......but you know it is true that most of you also have friends like this over our friends, season friends, short term friends. 
Amanda(and her sisters) is that one for me.  She is my cousin/sister/friend.  She is another one of those I can call at any hour and know she is holding me up....and I her.
I have grieved many times over the years when I have lost a friend....even those I knew in school that I chose to drop because of some silly jealousy.  That friend for me was Donna(green dress in the wedding picture).....she upset my ego and my already shallow self-esteem took a beating.  I have had friends that I shared things I might never discuss with others....only to find myself betrayed.  Friendships are hard.  
One of the things I love so about Frank is his ability to be my friend as well as my precious husband.  We are comfortable spending time together....or with others.  I do have one very special friend that I talk to a lot on my way to work each morning.....his name is Jesus.  Over the past couple of years I have cried out to Him more than once and find myself again discussing life with Him on a daily regular basis as I deal with the illness of my special friend/soulmate/sister, Mary. 
Since July I have found myself bargaining with God, yelling at Him, crying to Him, and finally...I have gotten to the place where we just talk....calmly.....and it has been good for me.  Mary and I have been friends for over 20 years.  We have traveled together, laughed together, cried together.....I feel as if she sees inside my soul.  I know she does.  Yesterday on my visit with her....she asked my how I was doing.  I quickly answered, "I'm fine."  She kept looking at me....through me....and she made her funny face she makes when she knows I am not telling her the whole truth.....I looked at her and answered again that I was fine.....she said, "Really?"  I looked back into her eyes and told her...."You know I am not fine....I will survive.....but right now I am hurting.  This is not the way it was supposed to be.....but I will be fine."  She smiled a weak smile and told me that she knew.  Rita came in about that time and I slipped out.  I listened to music all the way to Daviston and cried.  Avalon's song, "Testify to Love" was blaring from my car....and I was singing my heart out. 
Ok....Once I got it out....I listened to God in the words of the song.  When I got home I was ok....tired...but ok.  Yesterday after my pity party....I went to my one friend that I have a daily visit with.  One hour to Alex City and one hour home from Alex City.  He is my  bestest friend.  He loves me like no other friend could and I am so glad he is in my life and definitely in my corner! Yes, I know that Jesus loves me! click on my link and celebrate friendship with me.


  1. What a REAL post.
    Thanks for being transparent - it touched my heart.

  2. Love the way your blog looks and that song is lovely. All my friends have moved away and I am thankful to have God as my friend.
    Thank you for sharing this with me.


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