
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hodge Podging or Soap Boxing

Joyce is figuring that it's technically a new year around here since we're into week 53 of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Everyone is welcome to join the party...if you're new you'll find the rules of play on her  sidebar. Here are my answers to this week's questions-  Are you still here?  I thought you would already be over at Joyce's playing along.  

1. What song reminds you of a specific time in your life and what is it about this song that makes you remember?
This question is also almost impossible to answer because practically every song I know and love is associated with some specific time period in my life. I too could write a whole post on this one but I won't this morning/ and will share just two.  My Kat song was/is An Irish Lullaby and I sang it to her every single night the first two years of her life.  When I am missing her.....I will still hum it to myself and it makes me smile.  When she was a baby I would sing it, then Sweetest Little Rosebud, and top them off with Chattanooga Choo Choo (her very 2 she could sing every single word of this song.)  My Frank song is Keeper of the Stars....I smile every time I hear it. 

2. What's something you've given up on?
Having my Doctorate degree.  I have lost the drive.  My big plans were to teach, get my doctorate, and then retire teaching in a university somewhere.  Sigh!  Things change and life happens.  I did get my Master's....and will hopefully retire from teaching in 2015...if I make it that long without being cut due to budget cuts.  If our government (state and federal) take any more away from the systems....the kids will be teaching themselves because there will be no more teachers or textbooks.  Ok...steady the soapbox.

3. What's something you'll never give up on?
God...and you know the really cool thing.....He'll never give up on me!

4. If you had to cook something from scratch in the next hour what would it be?
It is 3:30 in the morning and due to a very bad dream I am sitting here doing my blog.  I would make some eggs and toast....and drink a cup of pumpkin spice coffee. 

5. Have you started Christmas shopping? Decorating? Listening to Christmas music?
I Christmas shop all year long.  I hate last minute rush shopping.  I have a closet I keep all the gifts I buy in and label them when I put them there.  I am usually finished sometime around mid-November.  I do save a gift of two to get during the shopping season.  I am decorating for Thanksgiving.....because according to my calendar that is the next official holiday.  I do not even think about putting up the first ornament until after Thanksgiving!  I hate that as Halloween candy was going out, Christmas candy and goodies were coming in.  Grief-us!  I have friends that put their trees up on Veteran's Day weekend.  What were you thinking????

6. What do you know about your parent's wedding?
My parents left their jobs at Avondale Mills, gathered a few friends (Love and Roscoe Slagle and my godmother, Frances Bishop) and went to Meridian, MS and got married in the courthouse there.  I have the original wedding license.  They then drove back to Alex City, slept a bit, and went back to work that night on the third shift.  On their 50th wedding anniversary, against my mom's objections I gave them a 50th anniversary celebration and invited 50 of their closest friends.  My friend Deborah made their cake (they never had a wedding cake).  My parents were married for 58 years in 2009 when my father died.  Their's was a special kind of love.  My father adored my mom and my mom felt the same way about him.  

7. I can't believe I___________________ sitting here blogging at 3:30 in the morning and not sleeping til 4:30 when I have to get up and go to work.  I hate nightmares that rob me from my sleep.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 
You know it is hard to explain to someone who has no clue. It's a daily struggle being in pain or feeling sick on the inside while you look fine on the outside. Do you or someone you know have an invisible illness (PTSD, Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, Diabetes, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, MS, ME, Arthritis, Cancer, Heart Disease, Epilepsy, Autism,M.D. etc.) " Never judge what you don't understand. Last  night I realized just how serious this can be.  I am a Type 2 diabetic....but last night we were at a birthday party for a sweet little 5 year old named Juliette.  Her daddy is a brittle diabetic and has no feeling in his legs....on Sunday he sat near a heater and has second degree burns because he did not know his legs were too hot.  His wife happened to smell them burning. I have friends and family with all of the above and in the past couple of years have lost family and friends to many of the above.  Ok...enough from the soap box.  Joyce's blog gave me too many outlets this week.  Happy Wednesday to all and to all a good night!


  1. I hear you about the school thing. I'm pursuing teaching right now - within two years, I hope to start teaching. I don't know if that'll happen seeing how nuts the school system is right now. Things may not always go as planned, but everything always works out! :) Hope you get rest today and have lots to smile about.

  2. I totally get #8. Thank you for putting these words in black and white.

  3. Hope you get some rest. I really enjoyed your "soap boxing" today and totally agree about the invisible illnesses.

  4. I normally shop throughout the year too but I decided only gift cards to out of towners. I do have several gifts for my children but waiting for their big lists! That is so sad about his legs. I have to get on my soapbox with my family often. We learn to cover things up a put a smile on our face.

  5. Everyone has a story and we get so caught up in our own most of the time that we often miss that. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonite-dream free!


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