
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hodge Podge - Volume 55

I see Volume 55 and I thinkof the speed limit I have all the way to work down Hwy 22.  Joyce has come up with some great questions again this week and if you want to play along head over to Joyce's blog and join in.  Once you have finished head back and post your responses.  It is a lot of fun and a great way to get to know each other.
1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so, about how many will you send this year? How do you display the cards you receive? Or don't you? (gasp!)
I do send cards.  I usually send out around 100 since I have a huge family and Frank is the pastor of Rock Mills UMC.  I love cards.  I love sending them and receiving them.  This years cards I am making myself so I can't wait to get them done and sent.  They should go out sometime the first of next week.  I display the cards different ways.  I have a precious Santa card holder my friend Mary bought for us a couple of years ago.  I think this year I am doing a card tree I found on Pinterest.  That way I can do some Pintervention.  :-)
2. When do kids become adults?   Legally at 21.  My daughter was an adult when she was 10. She has always been an old soul in a young woman's body.
3. Does your 'beauty regimen' change with the seasons?  I am one of the people who can answer this question with the phrase-"Beauty regimen? What beauty regimen?" I slather on lotion more during the winter.  I don't wear makeup...probably there is not a whole lot of beautifying for me.
4. What's something you like to eat that might cause another person to turn up their nose?
I am a picky eater per say.  There are more things I don't eat than do.  I guess the fact that I like ketchup on potato chips would be my gross eating habit....I love ketchup.  It is my condiment of choice.....and no...I don't eat it on everything....Frank thinks I do....but I don't eat it on eggs, or mashed potatoes.
5. Gloves or Mittens?
Definitely gloves.  Mittens hinder my use of my fingers.
6. What's the longest queue you've ever been in? Was it worth it? Queue=line but doesn't queue sound so much nicer?  I am going to borrow this answer from Joyce because it is my answer.  I stood in line at the Vatican and Sistine Chapel for more than 2 hours.  I don't do lines....but it was worth every minute and I met a lot of neat people there from all over the world. 
7. Besides Christmas, what is one thing you are looking forward to this December?  Are you ready?   Where do I begin?  Let's see....we have my cousin Quinn's wedding on the 17th, the Children's program at church on the 11th, the Churches joint dinner (with the Baptist Church next door) on the 11th, Amanda's annual Open House on the 10th, singing with Amanda at church on the 18th, and Winter Extreme with the Youth in Gatlinburg on the 27th-29th.  I love December!
8. Insert your own random thought here.  Do you know what Chrismon ornaments are?  Does your church have a Chrismon Tree?  For my readers who don't know.....Chrismons are a type of Christmas Tree decoration used in many churches and often in the homes of Christians. The symbols used represent a variety of biblical and theological concepts that are well known among most believers. Often, if the ornaments on a Christmas tree are comprised mostly of Christian symbols, the tree is known as a "Chrismon Tree." Chrismons are white with gold decorations of beads, ribbon, glitter, etc. It is common, however, to see these ancient Christian designs in other colors than white and gold. These would not be Chrismons, however, but simply Christian symbols -- and there's nothing wrong with that!  Ours does and last Sunday night we celebrated the beginning of the Advent Season with the Hanging of the Greens.  It is one of my favorite times of year.  Everyone is in such a good mood as we drag out the boxes of decorations and decorate the sanctuary for the holidays. The tree is filled with handmade Chrismon ornaments and gold balls.  It is breathtaking.   I will love it even more when the poinsettias are in the church.


  1. Enjoyed your answers. Your random answer was very interesting. I had never heard of those. Now I have heard of hanging of the greens. I bet your sanctuary is beautiful.
    until next time... nel

  2. Momma...I love ya! I too LOVE cards...I like getting them more than anything! Also-I totally agree with you...the line for the Vatican and Sistine Chapel was well worth it...and entertaining...don't you remember...we had Gelato twice while waiting in line, discussed scence from Angels and Demons which takes place in Rome AND we also saw the Gypys which proved that the urban myth of the gypsy trying to get you to hold the baby trick is indeed NOT a myth...they really do that!

  3. I haven't heard of "Chrismons", but it makes perfect sense!

  4. I've been in church all my life but have never heard of a Chrismon Tree. Who knew? Not me! It totally makes perfect sense to me and I bet it is lovely. Will you be posting photos?

    BTW, tomorrow I am posting the "unrecipe" for the Butterfinger Ice Cream Pie. :-)

  5. I haven't forgotten you, I'm just getting around to Wednesday in my reader! I love sending cards and especially receiving them. Yes, I think mittens are for sitting, like maybe a football game. You have a very busy December. The tree sounds beautiful.


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