
Monday, November 21, 2011

I Am Thankful For...

When I was a kid I remember many wonderful Thanksgivings with family and friends.  We would all gather in a circle to say the grace and several people would share what they were thankful for.  I remember a couple of  years I found myself not thankful for anything because of sadness....but even with all the sadness this year I have grown spiritually and I AM Thankful for many things this year.  I thought each day this week I would share some Thanksgiving nuggets of wisdom.  Some of them are silly....others more profound.  I thought I would kick off my Thanksgiving week blog with a poem about something I am most thankful family!  We are like energizer bunnies....when the going gets touch....we go to the beach!

'Twas the Monday before T day and all through my house
There weren't enough groceries to feed even a mouse.
Karen still had to work two days this week.
Frank was driving a man for employment to seek.
But Thanksgiving was not to be like in the past....
We were leaving on Wednesday for the Thanksgiving beach blast.
Cousin, A had rented a big place on the beach
And judging from the pictures it was really a peach.
We were planning to dine with D's mom and dad....
This was such a new venture for was RAD!
Amanda would sale in on Wednesday night
The rest of us would be all cozy and tight.
We'd cook Thursday morning to take to the Hughes.
I hope that we don't end up blowing the fuses.
Ten new additions would be at the Hughes table
After lunch we would watch some TV if we are able.
Then family photos all down by the shores
Then sleepy time so Friday we can hit all the stores.
Many of us must head home before nightfall.
But I can promise you now...we will all have a Ball.
What are you going to be thankful for this year on Thanksgiving day?  I would love for you to share it with me in a comment.  Thought I would leave you with a smile.  I love Thanksgiving....and hate that retail Christmas overshadows it.  Christmas retail is not supposed to officially start until Black Friday....a friend posted this on Facebook today and I had to share it with you.  Happy Monday!


  1. Sounds like you will be busy and be having a wonderful time. We are having a quiet dinner at home.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Karen! I enjoyed your post and hope you have a blast making new memories in a new way.

    Blessings to you and yours, Sherry

  3. We will be dining in a castle in Verona, Italy!!! First time in decades that I haven't cooked for Thanksgiving, but after our trip it makes a lot of sense to just relax a bit!

    I'm thankful for so many things, especially when I see the trials others are suffering (loss of job, illness, issues with children) and know that things are really going great for me right now. Faith, Family, Friends....with some stamps thrown in for good measure...are what it's really all about!!!


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